##Content of api This api is used to manage and report issues within a geographic area, such as grafitis or broken installations. It manages users, staff and/or citizens. For now, the authentication hasn't been implemented.
after the clone, you need to install all node_modules, including: async, express, jade, grunt, etc. before running the application To run your server, enter: "grunt" on your command line and start mongoDB (mongod). Your application should run on port 3000 by default.
##APIDocJS The apidoc is accessible by the homepage
###Routes our api routes all start by /api/... and are all documented in the apidoc
####Issue POST/issues/:id/comments POST/issues/:id_issue/comments POST/issues/:id/tags POST/issues/:id/actions POST/issues DELETE/issues/:id GET/issues GET/issues/:id GET/issues/status PUT/issues/:id
####User POST/users DELETE/users/:id GET/users/citizens GET/users/:id/issues GET/users/staffs GET/users GET/users/:id PUT/users/:id
####Comment POST/comments/:action_id/:id POST/comments DELETE/comments/id GET/comments GET/comments/id PUT/comments/:id