Find the pentomino puzzle solutions for a 10x6 board.
There are 12 pentomino pieces.
A solution tiles the board. Here is solution 9356:
Download the code using git clone:
mkdir -p ~/code/hex
cd ~/code/hex
git clone .
Build the hex program by running the make command.
cc -O3 -c source/hex.c
cc -O3 -c source/cal.c
cc -O3 -c source/asm.c
cc -o hex hex.o cal.o asm.o
Run hex to write the solutions to the solutions.out file. It takes about 15 seconds to run on my computer.
Total time 14.55 sec
See solution.out
There are 9356 solutions. The last one found is shown below. It is the same solution shown in color above. Each piece is numbered 1 to 12 in hexadecimal: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c.
tail -7 solution.out
A trival solution is created from a known solution by rotation or reflection of the whole board.
Run to find the trival and non-trival solutions by post processing the solutions.out file. There are 2339 non-trival solutions. Here is the last one:
python | tail -7
I wrote the C code in late 1980's. Several people at Microrim where I worked at the time were all working independently on the problem for fun. It took a long time to run in those days. I added some assembly to speed it up. The solution.out file that's checked in has a date of 1991 and shows it ran in 28730.53 seconds which is about 8 hours.
I updated the code two times. The first was so it would run on Windows and 32 bit hardware. The assembly was a problem so I took it out. The second time, the last few days, I updated it to run on 64 bit hardware on a Mac. No big changes. The code is at this point is a historial artifact.
The latest changes added the python script to verify that the code finds the correct number of non-trival solutions as wikipedia reports. This was done post processing because it was a lot easier in python and I didn't want modify the original C code too much.