by Cardinal Blue ( )
A super simple Facebook Open Graph API client
Simple Graph API call
Simple FQL call
Utility to extract access_token and check sig in cookies
# In typical use, here's how you use RestGraph. Note that the syntax follows # closely to the Graph API URL syntax, making it easy to use. First, suppose # that you already have an access_token, represented by TOKEN: require 'rest-graph' rg = => TOKEN) # GET rg.get('me') # GET rg.get('me/likes') # GET rg.get('search', :q => 'taiwan') # Next, we explain how to use RestGraph to obtain the access token # If you are using Rails, we recommend that you include a module # called RailsUtil into your controllers, which will configure RestGraph. # (Your code contributions for other Ruby frameworks would be appreciated!) # There is an option in RailsUtil called "auto_authorize" which will cause # RestGraph to automatically redirect the user to the authorization page if # the access token is unavailable or has expired. (This way, you don't have # to check if the token is expired or not.) # Here is an example: class UserController < ApplicationController include RestGraph::RailsUtil before_filter :filter_rest_graph_setup def index # rest_graph_setup provides rest_graph as a RestGraph instance @profile = rest_graph.get('me') end # your code private def filter_rest_graph_setup # Please see RestGraph::RailsUtil#rest_graph_options for all options. rest_graph_setup(:auto_authorize_scope => 'publish_stream,email', :app_id => '123', :canvas => RestGraph.default_canvas) end end # You might wonder how do we setup app_id, secret, and other stuffs? # You could pass them in rest_graph_setup(:app_id => 1234), or setup # in a config YAML file. Here's a config example:
# For a QUICK START, we recommend that put this config file under # config/rest-graph.yaml and require 'rest-graph/auto_load' to automatically # load the config to setup default values for RestGraph in your application. # in Rails 2.x, you might want to add this line into config/environment.rb: config.gem 'rest-graph', :lib => 'rest-graph/auto_load' # While for bundler, you might want to add this line into Gemfile: gem 'rest-graph', :require => 'rest-graph/auto_load'
# Here are ALL the available options for new instance of RestGraph. # All options are optional: rg = => TOKEN, :graph_server => '', :old_server => '', :accept => 'text/javascript', :lang => 'en-us', # this affect search :auto_decode => true , # decode by json :app_id => '123' , :secret => '1829' , :cache => {} , # a cache for the same API call # This handler callback is only called if auto_decode is set to true, # otherwise, it's ignored. :error_handler => lambda{ |hash| raise }, # You might want to do this in Rails to do debug logging: :log_handler => lambda{ |duration, url| Rails.logger.debug("RestGraph " \ "spent #{duration} " \ "requesting #{url}") }) # API calls: # GET rg.get('me') # GET rg.get('me', :metadata => '1') # POST'me/feed', :message => 'bread!')
# If you have the session in the cookies, # then RestGraph can parse the cookies: rg.parse_cookies!(cookies) # auto save access_token if sig is correct['uid'] # => facebook uid # If you're writing a Rack application, you might want to parse # the session directly from Rack env: rg.parse_rack_env!(env) # auto save access_token if sig is correct['uid'] # => facebook uid # The following method yields the redirect URL for authorizing # # rg.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => '', :scope => 'email') # The following method makes a call to Facebook to convert # the authorization "code" into an access token: # # client_id=123& # client_secret=1829 rg.authorize!(:redirect_uri => '', :code => 'CODE') rg.access_token # your access_token is now available['expires'] # other values are available in data # The following method takes a session key from the old REST API # (non-Graph API) and converts to an access token: # params[:fb_sig_session_key] # => SESSION rg.exchange_sessions(:sessions => params[:fb_sig_session_key]) # The following method allows for an arbitrary FQL query to made # GET # SELECT+name+FROM+page+WHERE+page_id%3D%22123%22& # format=json&access_token=tok rg.fql('SELECT name FROM page WHERE page_id="123"') # The following method allows for multiple FQL query to made # # GET # %7BSELECT+name+FROM+page+WHERE+page_id%3D%22123%22&%2C # SELECT+name+FROM+page+WHERE+page_id%3D%22456%22&%7D # format=json&access_token=tok rg.fql_multi(:q1 => 'SELECT name FROM page WHERE page_id="123"', :q2 => 'SELECT name FROM page WHERE page_id="456"') # The following method makes it possible to call functionality # from Facebook's old REST API: rg.old_rest( 'stream.publish', { :message => 'Greetings', :attachment => {:name => 'Wikipedia', :href => '', :caption => 'Wikipedia says hi.', :media => [{:type => 'image', :src => '', :href => ''}] }.to_json, :action_links => [{:text => 'Go to Wikipedia', :href => ''} ].to_json }, :suppress_decode => true) # You'll need to set suppress_decode to true # if Facebook is not returning a proper JSON # response. Otherwise, this could be omitted. # Here are 3 possible ways to set up the default settings: # (1) set it directly module MyDefaults def default_app_id '456' end def default_secret 'category theory' end end RestGraph.send(:extend, MyDefaults) # or (2) Load defaults from a YAML config file: require 'rest-graph/load_config' RestGraph::LoadConfig.load_config!('path/to/rest-graph.yaml', 'development') # app_id would be 456 => '123') # defaults could be overridden # or (3) Load config automatically require 'rest-graph/auto_load' # under Rails, load config/rest-graph.yaml # Please read: for an example of config file. # Note that :auto_authorize_scope and friends is only for RailsUtil.
Tested with MRI 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 and Rubinius HEAD
gem install rest-client
gem install json (optional)
gem install json_pure (optional)
gem install rack (optional, to parse access_token in HTTP_COOKIE)
> gem install rest-graph # or if you want rails plugin and bleeding edge > script/plugin install git://
Apache License 2.0 Copyright (c) 2010, Cardinal Blue Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.