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A robust task management RESTful API developed with Go, PostgreSQL, JWT for authentication, and Docker for containerization. It features secure user authentication, task creation and management.


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

NODA is a RESTful task management web API built with Go and designed to simplify the process of managing tasks, lists, and user interactions. It uses PostgreSQL for data storage, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authorization and security, and Docker Compose for easy development.

Table of contents

Source code structure

For structuring the project source code I'm following a simple and pragmatic approach that has work very well for me. Personally, I prefer to wire up everything in the main.go file and avoid having separate files for database configuration, server configuration and API routing, as I believe this is a more elegant and cleaner approach compared to having several dispersed packages/files.

While I have a preference for wiring everything in main.go, it might be a wiser practice for very large codebases to implement separation of concerns.

Overall structure

├── assets
├── client
├── data
│  ├── model
│  ├── transfer
│  └── types
├── database
├── docs
├── failure
├── global
├── handler
├── mocks
├── repository
└── service

NOTE: Another approach would be to move the model, transfer and types directories (packages) to the root directory; this approach, however, provides the opportunity to refer these packages in a more natural way as in “data types”.

Detailed explanation

  • assets: Contains images and other similar assets.
  • client: Contains the implementation of a client for this web API (not implemented yet.)
  • data
    • model: Contains the data models representing the core entities of the application.
    • transfer: Contains data transfer objects (DTOs) for communication with clients.
    • types: Contains custom types used throughout the application.
  • database: Contains the database source code.
  • docs: Holds detailed API documentation and usage (out of date).
  • failure: Manages error handling and custom error definitions to standardize responses. ( See Recommendations.)
  • global: Contains globally accessible constants, especially if they're coming from environment variable.
  • handler: Implements the HTTP request handlers.
  • mocks: Contains mock implementations for unit testing.
  • repository: Defines the data access layer for interactions with the database.
  • service: Contains the business logic layer for core functionalities and validations.

I decided to move the database scripts to a different repository as I think this it's easier to maintain, version control, scale and reuse. However, since I still need it, I make it accessible from this repository as a Git submodule.


To run the project you require the database to be running. Once you've finished all the following steps, you must end up having something like:

docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                       COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                            PORTS                                       NAMES
5d7ce9611cfc   postgres:16rc1-alpine3.18   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds (health: starting)>5432/tcp, :::7891->5432/tcp   noda_database
d8f3bcf2c1ae   golang:1.22.5-alpine3.20    "sh -c ' cd /src && …"   3 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds            >7890/tcp, :::7890->7890/tcp   noda_backend


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Git

Step-by-step setup

  1. Clone this repository and its submodules:

    git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:fontseca/noda-tasks-management-tool-api.git
    cd noda-tasks-management-tool-api
  2. Run the Docker containers:

    docker compose up --detach

    In the backend service, wait for the project packages to be installed before running the server.

    docker logs noda_backend --follow
    Installing Go dependencies...
    Go dependencies installed.
  3. Bootstrap the database objects:

    docker exec --interactive --tty noda_database sh -c '$PROJECT_DIR/'
  4. If the database objects are created successfully, then access the backend container and from there you can either build or run the web API server:

    docker exec --interactive --tty noda_backend sh
    cd /src
    go run .

Now you can start making requests to the web API at


First, install Delve inside the container, if not installed yet:

docker exec --interactive --tty noda_backend go install

Once installed, start the debugging server:

docker exec --interactive --tty noda_backend sh -c 'cd /src && dlv debug --listen=:$SERVER_PORT --headless=true --api-version=2'

Note: The debugging server uses the same port as the actual application.

Running the tests

You run the tests of at leas one of the packages repository, service and handler with the command:

go test ./repository/ ./service/ ./handler/
ok      noda/repository 0.051s
ok      noda/service    0.745s
ok      noda/handler    0.029s

Or, if you prefer using gotestsum:

gotestsum ./service/ ./repository ./handler
✓  handler (29ms)
✓  repository (48ms)
✓  service (643ms)

DONE 699 tests in 6.567s



Some database objects


Some database tables


Searching for users and making lists for a specific user


Making and blocking a user with a reason


API endpoints


Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
Any POST /signup Create a new user.
User POST /signin Log in an existent user.
User POST /me/logout Log out the current user.
User POST /me/change_password Change the password of the logged in user.

Users management

Actor HTTP Verb Endpoint Description
Admin GET /users Retrieve all users.
Admin GET /users/search Search for users.
Admin GET /users/{user_uuid} Retrieve a user.
Admin DELETE /users/{user_uuid} Permanently remove a user and all its related data.
Admin PUT /users/{user_uuid}/block Block one user.
Admin DELETE /users/{user_uuid}/block Unblock one user.
Admin GET /users/blocked Retrieve all blocked users.
User GET /me Get the logged in user.
User PUT /me Partially update the account of the logged in user.
User DELETE /me Permanently remove the account of the logged in user.
User GET /me/settings Retrieve all the settings of the logged in user.

Groups management

Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
User GET /me/groups Retrieve all the groups.
User POST /me/groups Create a new group.
User GET /me/groups/{groups_id} Retrieve a group.
User PATCH /me/groups/{groups_id} Partially update a list.
User DELETE /me/groups/{groups_id} Permanently remove a list and all related data.
User GET /me/groups/{groups_id} Retrieve a list.

Lists management

Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
User GET /me/lists Retrieve all the ungrouped lists.
User POST /me/lists Create a new ungrouped list.
User GET /me/lists/{list_uuid} Retrieve a ungrouped list.
User PATCH /me/lists/{list_uuid} Partially update a ungrouped list.
User DELETE /me/lists/{list_uuid} Permanently remove an ungrouped list and all related data.
User GET /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists Retrieve all the lists of a group.
User POST /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists Create a new list for a group.
User GET /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists/{list_uuid} Retrieve a list of a group.
User PATCH /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists/{list_uuid} Partially update a list of a group.
User DELETE /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists/{list_uuid} Permanently remove a list of a group and all related data.

Tasks management

Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
User GET /me/today Retrieve all the tasks from the Today list.
User GET /me/tomorrow Retrieve all the tasks for tomorrow.
User GET /me/tasks Retrieve all the tasks.
User POST /me/tasks Create a new task and store in the Today list.
User GET /me/tasks/search Search for tasks.
User GET /me/tasks/completed Retrieve all the completed tasks.
User GET /me/tasks/archived Retrieve archived tasks.
User GET /me/tasks/trashed Retrieve trashed tasks.
User GET /me/tasks/{task_uuid} Retrieve a task.
User PATCH /me/tasks/{task_uuid} Partially update a task.
User DELETE /me/tasks/{task_uuid} Permanently remove a task and all related data.
User PUT /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/trash Move a task to trash.
User DELETE /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/trash Recover a task from trash.
User PUT /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/reorder Rearrange a task in its list.
User GET /me/lists/{list_uuid}/tasks Retrieve all the tasks of an ungrouped list.
User POST /me/lists/{list_uuid}/tasks Create a task and save it in an ungrouped list.
User GET /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists/{list_uuid}/tasks Retrieve all the tasks of a list in a group.
User POST /me/groups/{group_uuid}/lists/{list_uuid}/tasks Create a task and save it in a list within a group.

Steps management

Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
User GET /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps Retrieve the steps to achieve a task.
User POST /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps Add a new step to achieve a task.
User PATCH /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps/{step_uuid} Partially update a step.
User PUT /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps/{step_uuid}/accomplish Mark a step as accomplished.
User DELETE /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps/{step_uuid}/accomplish Unmark a step as accomplished.
User DELETE /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps/{step_uuid} Permanently remove a step from a task.
User POST /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/steps/{step_uuid}/reorder Rearrange a step in a task.

Tags management

Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
User GET /me/tags Retrieve the steps to achieve a task.
User POST /me/tags Create a new tag.
User PATCH /me/tags/{tag_uuid} Partially update a tag.
User DELETE /me/tags/{tag_uuid} Permanently remove a tag.

Attachments management

Actor HTTP Method Endpoint Description
User GET /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/attachments Retrieve all the attachments in a task (if any).
User GET /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/attachments/{attachment_uuid} Get an attachments in a task.
User DELETE /me/tasks/{task_uuid}/attachments/{attachment_uuid} Permanently remove an attachments in a task.


If in doubt about how to transmit error messages to the clients of your web API, use the RFC 9457: Problem Details for HTTP APIs specification. I didn't know about it by the time I started this project and instead used a similar approach inspired by the PostgreSQL style.


A robust task management RESTful API developed with Go, PostgreSQL, JWT for authentication, and Docker for containerization. It features secure user authentication, task creation and management.






