A small handy tool for editing runs for MESA (http://mesa.sourceforge.net/) from the comfort of a jupyter notebook.
- Display inlists as tables with qgrid for easy editing
- Read defaults to see and browse parameters from MESA
- Write inlists to your workfolder
- Compile your workfolder
- Plot profiles and history data (through mesa reader)
First, make sure you have all the required packages. (all of these are pip-able, except mesa reader, which is +1 command)
- numpy
- pandas
- jupyter
- qgrid (specific version so that tables are editable)
pip install qgrid==1.0.0b3
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix qgrid
- mesa reader
Then, import magpie.py to your notebook and that's it.
Yes, you can run
git clone https://github.com/frivasa/magpie.git
but since the tool is lightweight, you can just download or copy the magpie.py file directly to your working directory, and the notebook example to get started quickly. For plotting the output, do the same with plotting.py (17/11/20: I have not joined both files because of the added installation of mesa reader).
Use the included notebook or see this .io article to get a feel of how to use it. (17/11/20: Plotting routines are straightforward).