ABox Evaluation and Comparison Tool for Ontologies (ABECTO) v0.1.1
ABECTO provides a frame-work for the comparison and evaluation of different semantic data sources in the same domain on the instance level.
- RdfFileSourceProcessor: Loads an RDF document from the local file system.
- JaroWinklerMappingProcessor: Provides mappings based on the Jaro-Winkler Similarit of string property values using our implementation from Efficient Bounded Jaro-Winkler Similarity Based Search.
- ManualMappingProcessor: Enables users to manually adjust the mappings by providing or suppressing mappings.
- RelationalMappingProcessor: Provides mappings based on the mappings of referenced resources.
- OpenlletReasoningProcessor: Infers the logical consequences of the input RDF models utilizing the Openllet Reasoner to generate additional triples.
- SparqlConstructProcessor: Applies a given SPARQL Construct Query to the input RDF models to generate additional triples.
- CategoryCountProcessor: Measures the number of resources and property values per category.
- LiteralDeviationProcessor: Detects deviations between the property values of mapped resources as defined in the categories.
- ManualCategoryProcessor: Enables users to manually define resource categories and their properties.
- ResourceDeviationProcessor: Detects deviations between the resource references of mapped resources as defined in the categories.
- fix LiteralDeviationProcessor: support numerical value Infinite, correct mixed numeric type comparison, address precision issues of mixed number type comparison
- fix Deviation Report in Jupyter Notebooks: Missing IRI of resources with 2 or more deviations
- fix RelationalMappingProcessor: skip candidates with missing value for a variable, fix missing mappings in case of at least 3 incomplete ontologies
- fix ExecutionRestController#getData: include transformation nodes data
- fix ManualCategoryProcessor: allow empty parameters