Phonebook service provides simple APIs allowing users to login and manage contacts.
All contact management calls are authenticated.
1. ./setup
2. python
User registration
/user/register method POST
{ "username": "my-username", "password": "my-password" }
Registers new user to the system.
User Login
/user/login method POST
{ "username": "my-username", "password": "my-password" }
Allows a user to login returning a session token that should be sent in all authenticated calls.
####Contacts API
List Contacts
Returns all contacts of the current user -
Create Contact
/contacts', methods=['POST']
{ "first_name": "contact-first-name", "last_name": "contact-last-name" }
Allows a user to create contact with the given first_name and last_name
Update a Contact's name
/contacts/<int:contact_id>', methods=['POST']
{ "first_name": "new-first-name", "last_name": "new-last-name" }
Allows a user to update contact's first_name and last_name
Delete a Contact
/contacts/<int:contact_id>, methods=['DELETE']
Allows a user to delete contacts with the specified contact id
Add a Phone number
/contacts/<int:contact_id>/entries, methods=['POST']
{ "phone": "+1 (555) 123-456" }
Allows a user to add phone number to contact