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Speech to Text with Deep Neural Networks projects (part of Udacity AI Nanodegree)

The goal of project was to design a Deep Neural Network that would function as part of an end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) pipeline.

The best performing model so far combines Convolutional layers with Bidirectional GRU layers.

Models were trained on DEV-CLEAN data set from LibriSpeech ASR corpus

Where to start from

vui_notebook.ipynb has all the logic from data exploration to training models and summarizing results.

Models are defined in

Additional analysis of vocabulary of DEV-train and DEV-validation sets can be found in seq2seq_word_lvl.ipynb

Experiments and their results:

Details about each architecture can be found in vui_notebook.ipynb under section final model.

CTC Loss

The 2 lines at the bottom correspond to 20 last epochs out of 40 total - these 2 models where trained twice for 20 epochs each time. So plot shows only 20 last and best epochs.

Model architectures and their performance

Information included in the table below does not include simple models model_0 - model_4

Name Epochs Training loss Validation loss Training time sec/epoch Details
model_end_0-1 20 124.8 126.5 115 CNN (2 layers, dilation 1,2) + dropout(0.4) + GRU(200) + dropout(0.2)
model_end_0-2 20 146.9 151.1 110 CNN (2 layers, dilation 1,4, first kernel=21) + dropout(0.4) + GRU(200) + dropout(0.2)
model_end_2 20 166.9 179.03 _ CNN(4 layers with exponential dilation 1,2,4,8) + GRU(200)
model_end_3 30 140.8 157.7 160 (above) + extra GRU layer (total 2 GRU layers)
model_end_4 20 178.0 181 160 CNN(4layers with dilation 1,2,4,8 by 512 filters, kernel=11) + GRU 400
model_end_0-3 20 126.9 128.6 130 CNN(2L, 1-2 dilation, filters=400) + 1xGRU(300, dropout=0.3)
model_end_0-5 20 106.6 111.9 66 Conv(200,kern=21,dil=1,stride=1) + MaxPool(3, stride=2)+Drop(0.4) + Conv(200,kern=11,dil=1,stride=1) + Drop(0.4) + 1xGRU(300, dropout=0.3); LR=0.05
model_end_0-6 20 _ _ 45 (above)+maxpool(3, stride=2) after 2nd Conv
model_end_0-8 20 113.7 117.2 52 (end_0-5) but 1st-Conv(300), maxpool(5, stride=3)
model_end_0-9 20 129.5 129.2 54 (end_0-8) but 2ndConv(200, kern=7) + 2nd MaxPool(3, stride=2, channels_first)
model_end_0-9-1 20 _ 130 54 (end_0-9) moved relu from Conv_2 to after MaxPool_2
model_end_0-9-2 20 130 128 54 (end_0-9) remove 2nd MaxPool, keep Conv_2 kernel to 7
model_end_0-5-21 40 82 104 105 (end_0-5) + 2nd GRU layer
model_end_0-5-3 40 117 114 185 (end_0-5-21) but 2xBiDirectional GRU(200, dropout=0.4)