Libraries Version
- geant4: 4.10.03.p02
- qt: 5.10.1
- clhep:
Additional Options
added FILTER_NULL_VARIABLES option. If set to one, do not write empty variables in the output.
added option RFSTART: Radio-frequency time model. Available options are:
- "eventVertex, 0, 0, 0" (default): the RF time is the event start time + the light time-distance of the first particle from the point (0,0,0)
- "eventTime".....................: the RF time is identical to the event start time
added DISPLACE_FIELDMAP and ROTATE_FIELDMAP options to displace and rotate a field map
- fixed case where GEMC_DATA_DIR environment does not exist
- reintroduced material name in the gui
- fixed 10 and 20 cases for FASTMCMODE in physics list
- addition of 3D field map in cartesian coordinates
added PRODUCTIONCUTFORVOLUMES option. It is a list of volumes that will be assigned a production cut (in mm, last element of the list). Example:
- PRODUCTIONCUTFORVOLUMES="outerMount, taggerInnerShield, outerFlange, outerMount, nut1, main-cone, DSShieldFrontLead, 100" will set the production cut for those volumes to 10 cm.
detectors and cad factory can read the env variable "GEMC_DATA_DIR" as a base path in the gcard