A simple, cross-platform 2D game development framework for C#
My goal with this project is to create a simple framework for game development across Windows, Linux, OSX, Android, and iOS. It will provide 2D rendering, audio playback, resource management, and other basic requirements for development. It will follow a code first approach and is intended for developers with some programming experience.
The project is in the very early stages and is completely undocumented. Currently it provides a draw batching system, text rendering, and audio playback for Windows and Android. It should work on Linux and OSX as well but has not been tested.
The repo also contains a project called "Flying Tortuga". This is a Flappy Bird style game being developed alongside the framework as a complete example project and testing ground for realistic game development.
The font loader and rendering code is ported from https://github.com/cyotek/Cyotek.Drawing.BitmapFont
The repository also contains the start of a Scene-GameObject-Component system. This has been set aside for now while the core functionality is developed.