PyLith v2.2.0
Added a browser-based parameter viewer for interactive viewing of all PyLith parameters and version information. See Section 4.10 PyLith Parameter Viewer of the PyLith user manual.
Adjusted packaging of the binary distributions so that they can be used to extend PyLith and/or integrate other code with PyLith.
Converted the user manual from Lyx to LaTeX and added syntax highlighting of parameter and spatial database files. Fixed several typos.
Fixed bug that sometimes resulted in an inconsistent fault orientation when running in parallel. The bug appears to have been introduced in v2.0.
Fixed two bugs in output of solution at points that sometimes happened in parallel simulations. The errors include:
The order of the station names does not match the order of the points. The point data is written in parallel by process order, so the points for process 0 are written first, then those for process 1, etc. This often results in reordering of the points. The station names were written in the original order.
The output values for some points are incorrect. The wrong cells were being used in the interpolation.
Updated PETSc to v3.7.5.