This is a minimal WebKit based browser. It's intended use is to display a single web resource non-interactively, while being highly portable, especially to the arm11 architecture (used for the Raspberry Pi), and supporting Javascript and HTML5 Websockets for dynamic content updates.
apt-get install libwebkit-dev
# OR: yum install webkitgtk-devel
No special steps are required for installation. Just execute browser
This program was designed to be started via inittab on boot like this:
1:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/startx -e /usr/bin/browser tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1
browser <URL>
or when working with ssh: xinit ./browser
This will launch the browser in fullscreen mode and load the resource at URL
can be anything that WebKit supports, including file://
-URLs for local webpages and documents.
Omitting URL
shows the default page, this README.
The following keybindings exist:
for reloading the current pageF11
for toggling fullscreen
These actions are also implemented as signal handlers:
for reloadUSR1
for fullscreen toggle