This pipeline facilitates the running of consensus scoring between docking programs. The maximum number of programs supported is five.
- SDF format file from the docking program. Place this into a directory named after the docking program (one word) within the working directory.
- All utilities that come with this package.
Example for consensus of poses scoring (RMSD of 2 Angstroms) for five docking programs:
snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile Snakefile autodock_glide_fred_icm_vina_docking_consensus_plot.png --config number='five'
Where Autodock, Glide, Fred, Icm, and Vina are docking programs.
Another example for three docking programs:
snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile Snakefile autodock_glide_fred_docking_consensus_plot.png --config number='three'
Note: Adjust the '--config number' as per your requirement.
You will need several dependencies to execute this code. The most crucial are:
- Openbabel 2.4.1 and its pybel wrapper
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 openbabel=2.4.1
- Ensure you have SnakeMake installed in your conda environment (activate it before installing). Installation instructions for SnakeMake can be found here.
Note: Replace 'base' with your conda environment name during the installation process.
- Modify the
file to contain the score field name in the sdf file with the docked poses and scores.
Some customizable variables include:
Consensus Type: Determines the type of consensus (e.g., two-way, three-way, etc.) especially when using five docking programs. Perhaps you only want a consensus between a minimum number of programs.
- Adjust by setting the
flag in the Snakefile to your desired number (maximum is 5).
- Adjust by setting the
Consensus RMSD: Defines the agreement between two poses from the corresponding docking programs.
- Adjust by setting the
flag in the Snakefile to your preferred float value.
- Adjust by setting the
By default, the values are set to a three-way consensus and a 2.0 Angstrom RMSD pose agreement.