The relay does not store data. Grinbox does not store any data on completed transactions by design, but it would be possible for a modified version of a relay to do so and as a result build a graph of activity between addresses. Federation means that a relay only sees transactions related to its own users.
Your IP is your responsibility. When you communicate with a grinbox relay, you are exposing your IP to the relay. You can obfuscate your real IP address using services such as a VPN and/or TOR or i2p.
The code is based on the Vault713 Grinbox but the main difference between them is:
- Grinbox use Base58 address format
- GrinRelay use Base32/Bech32 address format which has 4 main benefits than Base58. Please detail info here.
The related code taken with thanks and respect, with license details in all derived source files.
Both Vault713 Gringox and this project are using same open source licence: Apache Licence v2.0.
Apache License v2.0.