This project demonstrates an ERC-20 token crowdsale leveraging two different contracts.
The Crowdsale contract handles the ICO. The Token contract is the actual ERC-20
It is using Hardhat, React and React-Boostrap and has test coverage for all solidity contract's features.
- install all dependencies
npm install
- Metamask browser extension
execute the test suite:
npx hardhat test REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
run the React website with HardHat localhost blockchain
1/ Deploy the contracts
npx hardhat node #start HH node npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js # deploy contracts
2/ The React app can be started with
npm start
3/ Connect using Metamask Import HH accounts into Metamask
- Proper Metamask login feature in the navigation bar is out of scope for this project and may be added in the future.
- Always privileges audited or trusted ERC-20 for Mainnet production deployments (see
- Project only tested using hardhat localhost network