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Climate Data Modelling - Data Engineering

Welcome to the project Climate Data Modelling! Our project aims to solve the problem of extracting the data from public data sources and storing it inside a bigquery data warehouse. We first download the data into the data lake using bash scripts and then we will use the python scripts to read the data from the data lake and load them into the data warehouse. This data can then be used for solving the climatology problems using deep learning approaches.

Research Project supported by: Ali, Dr. Xiao and Dr. Albert

To Create a Virtual Environment Run these commands in the linux shell

  1. python3 -m venv venv

To Activate the virtual environment

  1. source venv/bin/activate

To install the required dependencies

  1. pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

To create a virtual machine in GCP:

  1. Go to GCP Console
  2. Click on the hamburger menu on the left
  3. Go to compute engine -> VM Instances
  4. Click on create instance at the top
  5. Select the configuration of the machine that you want. GPUs are not available in free trial. So, if you are on free trial please don't choose GPUs.
  6. Click on Create at the bottom of the page
  7. Wait for a few minutes so that the instance will be created

To run the virtual machine

  1. Go to GCP Console
  2. Click on the hamburger menu on the left
  3. Go to compute engine -> VM Instances
  4. You will see the VM instance that you have created in the previous step
  5. Select that VM and click on start/resume at the top
  6. Wait for the machine to boot up
  7. Once the machine is booted up, under connect there will be SSH option. Click on that SSH option
  8. A new window will open. Wait for a few seconds and you will see the linux shell for the Virtual machine
  9. Now you can start doing your work on the VM

How to create buckets and folders in cloud storage?

  1. Go to GCP Console
  2. Click on the hamburger menu on the left
  3. Go to Cloud Storage -> Buckets
  4. Click on create at the top
  5. Name your bucket as data-lake-bucket-climate-modelling, choose us(multi regions) as location, location type multi region, storage class standard. Leave everything else to default and click create.
  6. You will see your bucket in cloud storage -> buckets
  7. Click on the bucket
  8. Click create folder on the top
  9. Give the folder name as daylength and click on create
  10. Follow the steps 8 and 9 to create other folders called: maximumtemperature, minimumtemperature, shortwaveradiation, and snowwaterequivalent
  11. Your Bucket and the folders inside these buckets are now created.
  12. The important thing to remember is that these bucketnames will be used in our code. So, if you want to change these names, then change the names in the code as well.

How to load data into cloud storage buckets?

  1. To load the files for a specific value like tmin, tmax etc... run the corresponding files located in load_nc_files_to_data_lake
  2. To Download all the files run located in load_nc_files_to_data_lake

How to create tables in bigquery?

  1. To create empty tables run the corresponding files in create_empty_tables_with_schemas
  2. If you want to change the schema of any of the tables please refer to this code and modify it here.
  3. To see if tables were created successfully go to cloud console -> Bigquery. Then at the side panel find your datset and the tables that were created when you ran these scripts.

How to insert dates into the tables created above?

  1. Run the corresponding files located at insert_rows_with_only_dates_in_tables/ to insert the date values into the bigquery table.
  2. You can check that the values are inserted using the bigquery UI available on google cloud console.

How to insert the x,y and the measured values into the above tables?

  1. Please wait for 30 to minutes because once you insert rows into the table bigquery doesn't support updates or deletes to that rows for sometime. So, please wait for a few minutes and start running the scripts located at insert_x_y_climate_values_into_tables.
  2. Run the script
  3. Check that the values are being updated in the bigquery UI console.

SQL Queries that can be useful when running bigquery

### Create a new empty table with the schema of the old table. Testing_table_3 is the new table and will have the same schema as testing_table_2
CREATE TABLE `climate-data-modeling.python_creating_dataset.testing_table_3`
FROM `climate-data-modeling.python_creating_dataset.testing_table_2`
WHERE 1 = 0;

## Delete a table
DROP TABLE `climate-data-modeling.python_creating_dataset.testing_table_3_16` 

## See the schema of a table
  table_name = 'testing_table_3'

## See the values of a table
SELECT * FROM `climate-data-modeling.climate_data.daylength` LIMIT 1000

## See the length of the nested and repeated fields. Here dayls is a Struct of repeated values
SELECT ARRAY_LENGTH(dayls) AS num_values
FROM `climate-data-modeling.climate_data.daylength_data`

## Insert the values into the table manually.
UPDATE `climate-data-modeling.python_creating_dataset.testing_table_3`
                                SET dayls = ARRAY_CONCAT(dayls, [STRUCT(-100.0 AS x, -100.0 AS y, 300.00 AS dayl)])
                                WHERE date = '1997-01-01T12:00:00'

## These queries can be modified as per the requirement when you are testing.

Images showing number of values inserted into the table when the script is running

Image to see the changes in the values being inserted while running the script

Image to see the changes in the values being inserted while running the script

Images to run the script and see the output result of tables being created

Image to run the script

Images to see the created tables

tables in the console

Image to see the values that are inserted

Images showing the progress of the values of being inserted

Images showing the dates inserted to the tables

Images showing the progress of batch inserts in the tables. Please don't give high batch sizes since the size of the request that you can send is limited. So, if the size of the batch is too high then you will get errors.

Images to see the inserted values

Image to see the values that are inserted

Image to see the values that are inserted


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