CSCI2500: Object Oriented Design
Details pending.
Refresher on material → Link
- Model:
- It directly manages the data, logic and rules of the application
- Observer Patter
- Facade
- It directly manages the data, logic and rules of the application
- View:
- Any representation of information such as a chart, diagram or table.
- Controller:
- Accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view.
- Command Pattern
- ActionListeners, which execute the commands.
- Accepts input and converts it to commands for the model or view.
- Server
- Singleton
- TextChanel
- [JTextPane stackoverflow] (
- [JTextPane JavaDocs] (
- [JTextPane stackOverflow] (
- [DefaultStyledDocument for JTextPane] (
- User class
- [RandomColorGenerator] (
- Professor Salu reminded me of swingInvokers and why they are important
"Remember, invoke later is like politely asking the renderer to show when you have the chance. If you want to be more demanding, invoke and wait. "
- NetworkListener
- After familiarizing myself with Sam's implementation of the class and how it interacts with other classes, I was able to come to the conclusion of calling the observers notifier there.
- NetworkRelay
- I had begun looking at different resources to integrate the gui with the NetworkRelay but nothing was quite working. I had gotten the gui to update with the ObjectStreamReader but not the Users input. After Ryan shared his part on a separate branch (That worked) to get the users' message, I was able to add it to my files so that both of our implementations worked together.
- Stack Overflow: Implementing the Command Pattern with GUIs
- Baeldung: The Command Pattern
- DZone: The Command Design Pattern
- Stack Overflow: Stopping Clip with Clip.close
- Stack Overflow: Sound on Button Press for Java Calculator
- Baeldung: Play Sound in Java