Adds a gradle task for running Minecraft with the HeadlessMc launcher. Similarly to mc-runtime-test the idea is that your usual gradle run task works very differently from how a user will actually launch the game. Many problems like the packaging of your release jar, mixin-issues or mapping issues can only be detected by launching the game with a "real" launcher. With this task you can use your release jar to run the game.
The project is still in early development.
To use add the repository for the plugin inside your settings.gradle
pluginManagement {
repositories {
// ...
maven {
name = "3arthMaven"
url = ""
Then add the plugin and a HeadlessMcRunTask
to your build.gradle
plugins {
id 'io.github.headlesshq.headlessmc-gradle-plugin' version '0.4.0'
tasks.register('runWithHeadlessMc', HeadlessMcRunTask) {
// copy your release jar to the modsDirectory
// Fabric API too, if you need it
from(configurations.modImplementation) {
version = '1.21'
modlauncher = Modlauncher.FABRIC
modLoaderVersion = '0.15.11' // optional
// other options
As an example you can find a project that uses this task extensively for CI testing with mc-runtime-test here.