Notable changes
Strict validation of socket timeout configuration parameters.
New Go runtime constants representing storage permissions.
New runtime function to programmatically delete user accounts.
Allow multiple config files to be read at startup and merged into a final server configuration.
Storage listing operations can now disambiguate between listing system-owned objects and listing all objects.
Default maximum database connection lifetime is now 1 hour.
Improved parsing of client IP and port for incoming requests and socket connections.
WebSocket sessions no longer log the client IP and port number in error messages.
Go and Lua server runtime startup log messages are now consistent.
All schema and query statements that use the '1970-01-01 00:00:00' constant now specify UTC timezone.
Storage write error message are more descriptive for when values must be encoded JSON objects.
Storage listing operations now treat empty owner IDs as listing across all objects rather than system-owned objects.
CRON expressions for leaderboard and tournament resets now allow concurrent usage safely.
Set console API gateway timeout to match connection idle timeout value.
You can’t perform that action at this time.