When I first started logging bike rides on Strava, I only had one bike so never bothered setting that up and selecting it. Later on I got a new bike and started to populate the bike field on each ride, but that left a lot of the earlier rides without the bike set.
Strava provides no way to bulk update activities in its UI, so I created this tool to do it for me.
First you'll need to create a Strava app - note down the Client ID and Client Secret. These must be populated in the REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID
environment variables (You can to this by creating a .env.local
Next, install dependencies (I'm assuming you have Node.js and NPM installed):
npm install
And start the webapp:
npm start
This should open your default browser with the initial page of the app. Follow the prompts from here.
- The app will populate the bike field on any activity that does not have it set. Make sure any "exceptions" are set up beforehand.
- The Strava API has a rate limit. If you hit this, you'll just have to wait 15 minutes and start again. (Any activity that was previously edited won't be touched)