The Mojodex Mobile App is an open-source Flutter application, part of the Mojodex digital assistant platform.
Designed to help businesses and individuals with their specific tasks and processes, Mojodex provides a task-oriented, configurable, and personalizable experience on-the-go.
See the Flutter installation guide for details on how to install Flutter on your machine.
To build and use the Mojodex Mobile App, you must have the Mojodex backend running on your local machine or a remote server.
Follow the instructions in the Mojodex README to set up and run the project.
STEP 1: Clone the repository
git clone
cd mojodex_mobile
STEP 2: Install dependencies
If building on IOS, ensure cocoapods is up to date
sudo gem update cocoapods
flutter pub get
If building on IOS,
cd ios
pod install
pod update
cd ..
STEP 3: Set up your BACKEND_URI in the .env file
cd assets
cp .env.example .env
Edit the .env file and set your IP address:
STEP 4: Run the Mojodex Mobile App
cd ..
flutter run
If running on IOS device, you may be prompted to set a development team. Follow the instructions in Xcode to do so.
🎉 Congratulations
You can now access your Mojodex instance and manage your tasks, and more through the mobile app!