Welcome to ModMail. ModMail is an open-source ModMail bot that helps Discord Guild Moderators help their community easily and privately!
Information: This bot is written in eris. You'll need to install node.js to run it. This bot not hosted anywhere, you will have to host it yourself. For starter users you can use things like glitch.com.
To setup the bot, head over to Discord's developer portal, click new application, then bot, and add a bot account. Copy the token and put it into the token slot of the .env file. To run, ensure you have all the components installed;
npm install eris
npm install moment
npm install axios
databaseToken: 'YOUR MONGODB TOKEN HERE', // We use MongoDB to store data! https://www.mongodb.com/
mainGuild: '', // Main ModMail Guild ID (server)
logChannel: '', // Channel ID of where you want ModMail Logs
mailChannel: '', // **Category** ID of where you want ModMail channels to be!
modRoles: [''],
status: 'DM me for support!', // This will be the bot's playing status
color: 0xfcfcfc, // Color of logging embeds!
prefix: '!', // Bot prefix for commands
msgPrefix: 'Staff' // The prefix that shows on messages (ex. Staff pink,: Hi!)
A list of all commands can be found here
If you're running into any issues with your current ModMail, ensure that all code is updated. If you still encounter an error, post an issue