Official Multi-platform Dart SDK for interacting with the PocketBase Web API.
Add the library to your dependencies
dart pub add pocketbase
# or with Flutter:
flutter pub add pocketbase
Import it in your Dart code:
import 'package:pocketbase/pocketbase.dart';
final client = PocketBase('');
// authenticate as regular user
final userData = await client.users.authViaEmail("[email protected]", "123456");
// list and filter "example" collection records
final result = await client.records.getList(
page: 1,
perPage: 20,
filter: "status = true && created >= '2022-08-01'",
sort: "-created",
// subscribe to realtime "example" collection changes
client.realtime.subscribe("example", (e) {
print(e.action); // create, update, delete
print(e.record); // the changed record
// and much more...
More detailed API docs and copy-paste examples could be found in the API documentation for each service or in the Services section below.
PocketBase Dart SDK handles file upload seamlessly by using http.MultipartFile
Here is a simple example of uploading a single text file together with some other regular fields:
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:pocketbase/pocketbase.dart';
final client = PocketBase("");
body: {
'title': 'Hello world!',
// ... any other regular field
files: [
'document', // the name of the file field
'example content...',
filename: 'example_document.txt',
).then((record) {
The SDK comes with several helpers to make it easier working with the RecordService
and RecordModel
You could find more detailed documentation in the RecordModel
class reference,
but here are some examples:
final record = await client.records.getOne("example", "RECORD_ID");
final title = record.getStringValue("title");
final options = record.getListValue<String>("options");
final status = record.getBoolValue("status");
final total = record.getIntValue("total");
final price = record.getDoubleValue("price");
All services return a standard Future-based response, so the error handling is straightforward:
client.records.getList("example", page: 1, perPage: 50).then((result) {
// success...
print("Result: $result");
}).catchError((error) {
// error...
print("Error: $error");
// OR if you are using the async/await syntax:
try {
final result = await client.records.getList("example", page: 1, perPage: 50);
} catch (error) {
print("Error: $error");
All response errors are normalized and wrapped as ClientException
with the following public members that you could use:
ClientException {
url Uri // The address of the failed request
statusCode int // The status code of the failed request
response Map // The JSON API error response
isAbort bool // Indicates whether the request was aborted/cancelled
originalError dynamic // The original response error
The SDK keeps track of the authenticated token and auth model for you via the client.authStore
The default AuthStore
class has the following public members that you could use:
AuthStore {
token: String // Getter for the stored auth token
model: UserModel|AdminModel // Getter for the stored auth User or Admin model
isValid bool // Getter to loosely check if the store has an existing and unexpired token
onChange Stream // Stream that gets triggered on each auth store change
// methods
save(token, model) // update the store with the new auth data
clear() // clears the current auth store state
To "logout" an authenticated user or admin, you can just call client.authStore.clear()
To "listen" for changes in the auth store, you can listen to the onChange
broadcast stream:
client.authStore.onChange.listen((e) {
If you want to customize the default AuthStore
, you can extend it and pass a new custom instance as constructor argument to the client:
class CustomAuthStore extends AuthStore {
final client = PocketBase("", authStore: CustomAuthStore());
AdminService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
// Authenticates an admin account by its email and password.
π client.admins.authViaEmail(email, password, {query, body, headers});
// Refreshes the current admin authenticated model and token.
π client.admins.refresh({query, body, headers});
// Sends an admin password reset email.
π client.admins.requestPasswordReset(email, {query, body, headers});
// Confirms an admin password reset request.
π client.admins.confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm, {query, body, headers});
// Returns a list with all admins batch fetched at once.
π client.admins.getFullList({batch = 100, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a paginated admins list.
π client.admins.getList({page = 1, perPage = 30, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a single admin by their id.
π client.admins.getOne(id, {query, headers});
// Creates a new admin.
π client.admins.create({body, files, query, headers});
// Updates an existing admin by their id.
π client.admins.update(id, {body, files, query, headers});
// Deletes a single admin by their id.
π client.admins.delete(id, {query, body, headers});
UserService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
π client.users.listAuthMethods({query, headers});
// Authenticates a user by their email and password.
π client.users.authViaEmail(email, password, {query, body, headers});
// Authenticates a user by OAuth2 client provider.
π client.users.authViaOAuth2(provider, code, codeVerifier, redirectUrl, {query, body, headers});
// Refreshes the current user authenticated model and token.
π client.users.refresh({query, body, headers});
// Sends a user password reset email.
π client.users.requestPasswordReset(email, {query, body, headers});
// Confirms a user password reset request.
π client.users.confirmPasswordReset(resetToken, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm, {query, body, headers});
// Sends a user verification email request.
π client.users.requestVerification(email, {query, body, headers});
// Confirms a user email verification request.
π client.users.confirmVerification(verificationToken, {query, body, headers});
// Sends a user email change request to the provider email.
π client.users.requestEmailChange(newEmail, {query, body, headers});
// Confirms user new email address.
π client.users.confirmEmailChange(emailChangeToken, userPassword, {query, body, headers});
// Returns a list with all users batch fetched at once.
π client.users.getFullList({batch = 100, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a paginated users list.
π client.users.getList({page = 1, perPage = 30, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a single user by their id.
π client.users.getOne(id, {query, headers});
// Creates (aka. register) a new user.
π client.users.create({body, files, query, headers});
// Updates an existing user by their id.
π client.users.update(id, {body, files, query, headers});
// Deletes a single user by their id.
π client.users.delete(id, {query, body, headers});
// Lists all linked external auth providers for the specified user.
π client.users.listExternalAuths(id, {query, headers});
// Unlinks a single external auth provider relation from the specified user.
π client.users.unlinkExternalAuth(id, provider, {query, body headers});
RealtimeService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
// Initialize the realtime connection (if not already) and register the subscription.
π client.realtime.subscribe(subscription, callback);
// Unsubscribe from a subscription (if empty - unsubscibe from all registered subscriptions).
π client.realtime.unsubscribe([subscription = '']);
CollectionService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
// Returns a list with all collections batch fetched at once.
π client.collections.getFullList({batch = 100, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a paginated collections list.
π client.collections.getList({page = 1, perPage = 30, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a single collection by its id.
π client.collections.getOne(id, {query, headers});
// Creates (aka. register) a new collection.
π client.collections.create({body, files, query, headers});
// Updates an existing collection by its id.
π client.collections.update(id, {body, files, query, headers});
// Deletes a single collection by its id.
π client.collections.delete(id, {query, body, headers});
// Imports the provided collections.
π client.collections.import(collections, {deleteMissing=false, query, body, headers});
RecordService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
// Returns a list with all records batch fetched at once.
π client.records.getFullList(collectionIdOrName, {batch = 100, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a paginated records list.
π client.records.getList(collectionIdOrName, {page = 1, perPage = 30, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a single record by its id.
π client.records.getOne(collectionIdOrName, recordId, {query, headers});
// Creates (aka. register) a new record.
π client.records.create(collectionIdOrName, {body, files, query, headers});
// Updates an existing record by its id.
π client.records.update(collectionIdOrName, recordId, {body, files, query, headers});
// Deletes a single record by its id.
π client.records.delete(collectionIdOrName, recordId, {query, body, headers});
LogService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
// Returns a paginated log requests list.
π client.logs.getRequestsList({page = 1, perPage = 30, filter?, sort?, query, headers});
// Returns a single log request by its id.
π client.logs.getRequest(id, {query, headers});
SettingsService (Detailed class reference, API docs)
// Returns a map with all available app settings.
π client.settings.getAll({query, headers});
// Bulk updates app settings.
π client.settings.update({body, query, headers});
// Performs a S3 storage connection test.
π client.settings.testS3({body, query, headers});
// Sends a test email (verification, password-reset, email-change).
π client.settings.testEmail(toEmail, template, {body, query, headers});
PocketBase Dart SDK is built on top of the standard dart-lang/http
package and inherits some of its limitations:
- Requests cancellation/abort is not supported yet - dart-lang/http #424
- Streamed responses (used by the realtime service) are not supported on the web - dart-lang/http #595
Depending on the users demand, we can implement workarounds for the above limitations, but it would be better to wait the upstream library to apply the necessary fixes.
# run the unit tests
dart test
# view dartdoc locally
dart doc
# run the example
dart run example/example.dart
# generate the DTOs json serializable artifacts
dart run build_runner build