- Support all the built-in expressions
- Support Referring to Beans in Web Security Expressions
- Support customized SecurityExpressionRoot for WebSecurityExpressionRoot
{{#sec:hasRole('ADMIN')}}<li>ADMIN CONTENT</li>{{/sec:hasRole('ADMIN')}}
{{#sec:hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('USER')}}<li>ADMIN & USER CONTENT</li>{{/sec:hasRole('ADMIN') and hasRole('USER')}}
{{#sec:hasAnyRole('ADMIN', 'USER')}}<li>ADMIN OR USER CONTENT</li>{{/sec:hasAnyRole('ADMIN', 'USER')}}
{{#sec:hasRole('USER')}}<li>USER CONTENT</li>{{/sec:hasRole('USER')}}
{{#sec:hasPermission(user, 'read')}}READ PERMISSION ASSIGNED TO {{user.name}}{{/sec:hasPermission(user, 'read)'}}
{{#sec:hasPermission(1, 'com.xxx.Menu', 'read')}}Current user has 'read' permission for 'com.xxx.Menu' on id '1' {{/sec:sec:hasPermission(1, 'com.xxx.Menu', 'read')}}
{{#sec:hasPermission(foo, 'write') or hasPermission(foo, 'read')}}
READ OR WRITE PERMISSION ASSIGNED TO '{{#sec:principal}}{{username}}{{/sec:principal}}'
{{/sec:hasPermission(foo, 'write') or hasPermission(foo, 'read')}}
{{#sec:hasPermission(this, 'read')}}
{{this}} // this is user in the users collection
{{/sec:hasPermission(this, 'read')}}
- WebSecurity Bean
public class WebSecurity {
public boolean check(Authentication authentication, HttpServletRequest request) {
return true;
hasPermission(targetDomainObject, permission)
to resolve the valueDefaultDomainObjectResolver
is the default implementation, it will check the 'request/session/servlet context/passed in evaluate data' in order to resolve the value- for example, if the developer use
{{sec:hasPermission(user, 'read')}}
to check the permission, default resolver will try to get object named 'user' in request.attribute, session.attribute, servletContext.attribute andcontext
used in Mustache.compiler().execute(template, context);
- for example, if the developer use
hasPermission(...) or hasPermission(...)
,hasPermission(...) and hasPermission(...)
mvn install
compile, package and install this starter in local maven repository- add dependency in pom.xml
- start to use
- Template are evaluate in mustache side first, then the mustache Template find there are some tags it don't understand,
- for example, {{sec:xxx}}, it will ask the
to create aVariableFetcher
to resolve these tags. - We hacked
to provide custom Collector in it. Spring'sBeanPostProcessor
technology used here. Please checkMustacheCompilerBeanPostProcessor
for detail. - The collector will create a
include parent's VariableFetcher and customSpringSecurityExpressionVariableFetcher
to resolve these parameters. - spring's
used in backend. - Back to spring side, we need to resolve the value for parameters in the expression, for example, 'this'
- Mustache provided VariableFetcher to do this. so, we need to go back to mustache side, use the VariableFetcher to resolve these variables.
- DomainObjectResolver used as bridge from spring to mustache to resolve these tokens.