This repository provides code for eKYC Hub application. The eKYC Hub implements the eKYC OIDC specification OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 and allows for the integration with eKYC data providers (verification services).
The code mainly provides the following:
- Provides an integration layer between the IDP and the different verification services - this allows for the user to verify different data attributes and store them within the Hub.
- Provides an interface allowing clients to request and receive verified attributes from the Identity Provider using the standard OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance protocol.
In the repository, you can also find a demo client application as well as an example integration of the eKYC Hub with an open source Identity Provider - KeyCloak. You will need to have Docker installed to run the demo.
The eKYC Hub has been implemented with Passbase - one of the easy-to-use verification services which provides an SDK and RESTful API for verifying end user data. Other providers can be used depending on requirements.
All provided code is open-source and available under the Apache 2.0 license.
For more information and other open-source identity software, visit
Below you can find instructions on how to setup the demo:
Install jq (only for set_user script)
Put domain mapping in you hosts file: idv-hub demo-rp keycloak-ekyc
Create .env file
Note: You will need to register at Passbase and obtain a public key and a secret in order to integrate the current version of eKYC Hub.
Init SSL certificates:
To start, run
docker-compose up
Init user in IDP:
Demo RP url: http://demo-rp:3000
User credentials: test/test123
- Go to IDP account url https://keycloak-ekyc:8443/auth/realms/demo/account/
- Go to Verified Credentials tab
- Trigger verification with Provider
The eKYC Hub has been developed to be compliant with the OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance 1.0 specification. The framework will undergo compliance checks and interop activities by end of 2021. Should there be any differences with the specfication, we will make best effort to update the framework to be fully compliant. Check this repository as well as Identity First Tech website for more information. Also, we would welcome a pull request!