Simple and cheap circuit for transform the old intercom into a home assistant compatible smart intercom.
Circuit (pdf)
For the Urmet 1131/1133:
- 9 -> Buzzer
- 6 -> GND
- CA -> electric lock
- AC/DC -> LM2596HV AC/DC to DC Buck Step Down Converter Module (Aliexpress)
- Relay -> 1 Channel Relay Module 5V High Level Trigger (Aliexpress)
- Optocoupler -> PC817 (Aliexpress)
- ESP8266 MOdule -> Wemos D1 mini
It's strongly recommended to use a High Level Trigger Relay to avoid accidental opening of the door in the event of blackout.
Home Assistant / EspHome (YAML)
There are two entity:
- switch for the door opening
- binary_sensor triggered when the intercom buzzer rings.