composer global require imaginary-machines/plugin-machine-php-cli:dev-main -W
- Login to plugin machine.
plugin-machine login {token}
- When logged in, go to /dashboard/user to see API token.
- Write pluginMachine.json for a plugin
php plugin-machine plugin:config {pluginId}
- Requires login
- Add a feature to current plugin
php plugin-machine add
- Requires login
- ZIP plugin for release
php plugin-machine plugin:zip
- Check version
plugin-machine version
- Test that it can write a file
plugin-machine file:put
- Output some debug information
plugin-machine debug
- Authentication token. Overrides values set with login command.PLUGIN_MACHINE_WRITE_PATH
- The path to write output to.
composer global remove imaginary-machines/plugin-machine-php-cli
- Build
php plugin-machine app:build plugin-machine
- If this fails, check the error log in /storage/logs/
- Make sure box bin has the right permissions
sudo chmod 755 vendor/laravel-zero/framework/bin/box
- Test
php plugin-machine test
- Sync Rules
php plugin-machine sync
- Lint code
composer lint
composer fix
- Check for minimum version PHP compatibility.
composer compat
- Check for other PHP version compatibility:
composer compat:version 8.0