This repository contains Inatech modifications to raspivid
for camera synchronization over network.
On Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt install cmake
git clone
mkdir build && cd build/
cmake ../raspivid-inatech/
# If you type 'make' here, the whole 'userland' code will be compiled
# That's a lot of libraries and binaries.
# Only build 'raspivid' and its dependencies:
make raspivid
# 'raspivid' is found at:
# We rename it to avoid confusion with the original binary
sudo mv ../raspivid-inatech/build/bin/raspivid /usr/bin/raspivid-inatech
Notice the new PLL parameters:
-pll, --pll-on : Enable software PLL
-pllv, --pll-v : Enable PLL debug output
-plls1, --pll-step1 : PLL framerate correction when drift > 0.1ms
-plls2, --pll-step2 : PLL framerate correction when drift > 1ms
Note: the higher the framerate, the stronger the correction for the software PLL to lock.
To record H264 at 640x480 @ 30fps
, along with timing information (PTS file):
# With RPi camera v2, this will capture on the full sensor.
raspivid-inatech \
-t 0 -w 640 -h 480 -fps 30 -md 4 \
--pll-on --pll-step1 150 --pll-step2 300 \
-cd H264 -o video.h264 -pts video.h264.pts
To record MJPEG at @ 100fps
# With RPi camera v2, this will capture on a reduced area
# of the full sensor.
raspivid-inatech \
-t 0 -w 640 -h 480 -fps 100 -md 7 \
--pll-on --pll-step1 500 --pll-step2 1000 \
-cd MJPEG -o video.mjpeg -pts video.mjpeg.pts
See RPi camera documentation at: