Release 1.3.0
New benchmarking scripts:
FaceNet FP32 inference
GNMT FP32 inference
Inception ResNet V2 Int8 inference
Inception V4 Int8 inference
MTCC FP32 inference
RFCN Int8 inference
SSD-MobileNet Int8 inference
SSD-ResNet34 FP32 inference
Transformer LT Official FP32 inference
Other script changes and bug fixes:
Renamed Fast RCNN to Faster RCNN
Fixed SSD-MobileNet FP32 inference container error with python3
Added python file to download and preprocess the Wide and Deep census dataset
Added ability for ResNet50 FP32 --output-results
to work with benchmarking
Added --data-num-inter-threads
and --data-num-intra-threads
to the launch script (currently supported by ResNet50, ResNet101, and InceptionV3)
Added data layer optimization and calibration option for ResNet50, ResNet101 and InceptionV3
Bug fixes and an arg update for Wide and Deep large dataset
Only print lscpu info with verbose logging
Reduced duplicated code in Wide and Deep inference scripts
Added ability to run benchmarking script without docker
ResNet50 fix for the issue of not reporting the average of all segments
New tutorials:
ResNet101 and Inception V3 tutorial contents
TensorFlow Serving Object Detection Tutorial
TensorFlow Recommendation System Tutorial
ResNet50 Quantization Tutorial
Documentation updates:
Improved main README with repo purpose and structure
Updated NCF README file
Added links to the arXiv papers for each model
Updated TF Serving BKMs for split parallelism vars
Added note to TF BKM about KMP_AFFINITY when HT is off
You can’t perform that action at this time.