mapping ISBN group prefixes with ISO 639-1 language codes (2 letters code), when that's possible, that is a strong assumption that a book published in that country would be in that language
$ npm install isbn-groups
Example using isbn-groups
and isbn3
for ISBN parsing
const { parse } = require('isbn3')
const isbnGroups = require('isbn-groups')
- example 1
const isbn = '9782707301529'
const { prefix, group } = parse(isbn)
// prefix: '978'
// group: '2'
// => 'fr'
- example 2
const isbn = '9789953211206'
const { prefix, group } = parse(isbn)
// prefix: '978'
// group: '9953'
// => 'ar'
- isbn3: ISBN parsing, validation, and formatting utilities
- wikidata-lang: mappings between 2-letters language codes (ISO 639-1) and Wikidata ids