This repository contains the implementation of a Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP) trained on the CelebA dataset. The model is designed to generate 64x64 images of celebrity faces, using a deep convolutional architecture for both the generator and the critic.
- checkpoints/: Contains the saved model checkpoints during training.
- output/: Stores the generated images at every training epochs.
- Defines the architecture of the critic network.
- Handles loading and preprocessing of the CelebA dataset.
- Defines the architecture of the generator network.
- Utility to save generated images during training.
- showcase.png: A sample image showcasing the results of the model after training.
- Script to train the WGAN-GP model.
- Python 3.9-3.11
- PyTorch
- Matplotlib
- torchvision
- tqdm
The CelebA dataset is not included in this repository. You can download the dataset from Kaggle. Once downloaded, ensure that the images are resized to 64x64 pixels before training.
To train the WGAN-GP model, run the following command:
You can modify the hyperparameters like N_EPOCHS
, and C_LAMBDA
according to your needs.
- checkpoints/: The model checkpoints are saved here for every few epochs.
- output/: This directory contains the generated images at various stages of training.
Below is a sample output from the trained model:
This implementation is based on the original WGAN-GP paper: "Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs".
This project is licensed under the MIT License.