from weather_utils import Weather
Example of setting city variable. Valid values can be found in
city = 'Jerusalem'
Example of setting temperature units variable. Valid values can be:'kelvin', 'fahrenheit', 'celcius'
temp_units = 'celcius'
weather_ob = Weather(city, temp_units)
try: if weather_ob.get_weather():
print("All weather data: %s" % weather_ob.all_data)
print("Temperature: %s" % weather_ob.temp)
print("pressure: %s" % weather_ob.pressure)
print("humidity: %s" % weather_ob.humidity)
print("Min temperature: %s" % weather_ob.temp_min)
print("Max temperature: %s" % weather_ob.temp_max)
except WeatherException as e:
print("WeatherException was caught")
print("Error is: %s" % e.value)