Scrape Craigslist for listings and post to Slack. Search body for included or excluded terms (e.g., filter out terms like 'no pets', 'cozy' (you know it's bad if they say it's cozy!), 'furnished', etc., or look for included terms like 'air conditioning', graphics card, etc.
If you're just using simple webhooks you can use the legacy token system here:
If you want the newest features then you'll need to use the new Slack Apps API here:
Settings are in file. Configure your parameters here and then run the code.
You can (and should) create a file called and store your Slack Token and any other senstive information in it. Reference it in your code by making sure your private file is imported to your settings file:
import private
You can refer to it from now on as
private.SLACK_TOKEN or settings.SLACK_TOKEN
$ python