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An Angular directive for validating a routing number input field.


$ bower install angular-aba-routing-validation


Include angular-aba-routing-validation' in your module's dependencies:

angular.module('myApp', ['angular-aba-routing-validation']);


Simply add the routing-number attribute to your <input> field.

The directive attaches four properties to the $error property of your form field, so they can be used like any of the built-in validation directives (like ng-minlength, ng-pattern, etc.).

  1. formName.fieldName.$error.abaRouting - the provided routing number fails validation (invalid length, invalid starting number, or fails algorithm check). Note that this does not set an error if the model is empty (null or "") so that you can make the input conditionally optional. You'll need to include required or ng-required to error when the model is empty.
  2. formName.fieldName.$error.abaRoutingInternal - the provided routing number indicates a bank's internal routing number (begins with a 5) and is not a valid account routing number
  3. formName.fieldName.$error.abaRoutingMinLength - the provided routing number is too short (less than 9 digits)
  4. formName.fieldName.$error.abaRoutingMaxLength - the provided routing number is too long (more than 9 digits) - this probably shouldn't happen because ng-maxlength is automatically applied, which should restrict the user from being able to type in more than 9 characters, but...

This directive also includes x-autocompletetype="routing-transit-number" for good measure.

Example with ng-messages

<form name="checkInputForm">
  <input type="text" ng-model="vm.routingNumber" name="routingInput" ng-required="true" routing-number>
  <div ng-messages="checkInputForm.routingInput.$dirty && checkInputForm.routingInput.$invalid">
		<div ng-message="required">Routing number is required</div>
		<div ng-message="abaRoutingMinLength">Routing number must be exactly 9 digits</div>
    <div ng-message="abaRoutingInternal">You have provided an internal bank routing number</div>
    <div ng-message="abaRouting">Routing number is invalid</div>

Without ng-messages

<form name="checkInputForm">
  <input type="text" ng-model="vm.routingNumber" name="routingInput" ng-required="true" routing-number>
  <div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$dirty && checkInputForm.routingInput.$invalid">
		<div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$error.required">Routing number is required</div>
		<div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$error.abaRoutingMinLength">Routing number must be exactly 9 digits</div>
    <div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$error.abaRoutingInternal">You have provided an internal bank routing number</div>
    <div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$error.abaRouting">Routing number is invalid</div>


<form name="paymentInputForm">
    <input type="radio" ng-model="vm.paymentType" name="paymentType" ng-required="true" value="credit">Credit<br>
    <input type="radio" ng-model="vm.paymentType" name="paymentType" ng-required="true" value="check">Check
    <input type="text" ng-model="vm.routingNumber" name="routingInput" ng-required="vm.paymentType == 'check'" routing-number>
    <div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$dirty && checkInputForm.routingInput.$invalid">
      <div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$error.required">Routing number is required when choosing check</div>
      <div ng-if="checkInputForm.routingInput.$error.abaRouting">Routing number is invalid</div>


A round of tests is included. To run the tests, execute:

karma start karma.conf.js


Contributions are always welcome. Please submit issues and pull requests.
