A repository for the backend of leipzigtech.de.
- adjust the path for the volume in docker-compose.yml for your environment
- images will be build by docker compose if not available (use docker-compose build to rebuild images for postgres and jar/ba-app container)
docker-compose up -d
for starting the postgres on port 5432 and the backend api on port 8080
gradle build
Run 'BaApplication'
Starting backend on port 8080
Make sure that you have free ports at 5432 (or 8080 for connecting with backend on localhost). Registered ssh public key on server required.
- ssh -L 5432:localhost:5432 [email protected]
GET /companies/:id -> Returns a specific company with a given id
POST /companies -> Creates a new company based on a given JSON payload
"name": "Microsoft",
"address":"Georg-Schumann-Straße 100",
"email":"[email protected]"
- DELETE /companies/:id -> Delete a specific company with a given id
- GET /companies -> Returns all companies
The following query parameter should be supported by the upper endpoints:
- name -> Name of the company / String
- fuzzy -> Enable fuzzy search / Boolean (default: true)
- orderBy -> sorts the records by "keyword" (default:name)
- sort -> Order of results / Enum with Values ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending) (default: ASC)
GET /companies?name=Microsof&fuzzy=true&sort=DESC GET /companies?orderBy=create_at&fuzzy=true&sort=ASC