Releases: jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly
- js 加載完才顯示聊天按鈕
- 移除 Pangu
- 添加結構化數據支持
- 添加 avif 到支持的圖片格式列表
- 更新 lazyload 配置,支持原生 lazyload 功能
- 代碼優化
- 優化 pageType 邏輯
- 代碼字體先 fallback 到 monospace 再到中文和 sans-serif
- 更新 plugins.yml 中的依賴版本至最新
- 優化 aside_archives,改進性能和可讀性
- 改善 inlineImg 和 timeline 標籤的文檔,優化時間線邏輯
- 更新 gallery 標籤以支持額外參數,優化圖片顯示邏輯
- 優化隨機封面過濾器邏輯,避免連續重複
- 最新評論限制顯示 1-10 條之間
- 修復 artalk 的最新評論顯示待定或者封禁的評論的 bug
- 修復解密文章後,chartjs 沒有加載的 bug
New Features
- Display chat button only after js is loaded
- Removed Pangu
- Added structured data support
- Added avif to the list of supported image formats
- Updated lazyload configuration to support native lazyload functionality
- Code optimization
- Improved pageType logic
- Fallback to monospace for code font, then to Chinese and sans-serif
- Updated dependency versions in plugins.yml to the latest
- Optimized aside_archives for better performance and readability
- Improved documentation for inlineImg and timeline tags, optimized timeline logic
- Updated gallery tag to support additional parameters, optimized image display logic
- Optimized random cover filter logic to avoid consecutive repeats
- Limited the display of latest comments to between 1-10 items
- Fixed the bug where artalk's latest comments showed pending or banned comments
- Fixed the bug where chartjs did not load after decrypting articles
- 說說支持評論
- 說說支持限制條數(時間或數字)
- 更新相關依賴版本
- 修復 disqus 和 disqusjs 不能共存的問題,保留一個
- 代碼優化
- 修復 remark42 最新評論報錯的 bug
- 修復說說的時區問題
New Features
- Added support for comments in "Shuoshuo"
- Added support for limiting the number of "Shuoshuo" entries (by time or number)
- Updated related dependency versions
- Fixed the issue where disqus and disqusjs cannot coexist, keeping only one
- Code optimization
- Fixed the bug with the latest comments in remark42
- Fixed the timezone issue in "Shuoshuo"
- 說說支持評論
- 說說支持限制條數(時間或數字)
- 更新相關依賴版本
- 修復 disqus 和 disqusjs 不能共存的問題,保留一個
- 代碼優化
- 修復 remark42 最新評論報錯的 bug
- 修復說說的時區問題
New Features
- Added support for comments in "Shuoshuo"
- Added support for limiting the number of "Shuoshuo" entries (by time or number)
- Updated related dependency versions
- Fixed the issue where disqus and disqusjs cannot coexist, keeping only one
- Code optimization
- Fixed the bug with the latest comments in remark42
- Fixed the timezone issue in "Shuoshuo"
- 添加 chart.js 圖表庫(標籤外挂)
- 適配 Algolia Search 5.0
- 搜索分頁按鈕圓角化
- 本地搜索結果列表顯示數字排序
- 章節導航和相關推薦支持 hover 顯示文章介紹
- 移除 Daovoice
- 導航欄添加背景虛化效果
- 導航欄 hover 效果增加圓角
- 修復不啟用評論系統時,不蒜子統計不顯示的問題
- 修復背景漸變色無法生效的問題
- 説説的標籤可選填
- 代碼精簡和優化
- 移動到説説日期,顯示完整的日期時間
- 説説的時間標籤改為 time 標籤
- 延遲調用 abcjs 函數以解決渲染問題
- 調整側邊欄文章分類的字體大小
New Features
- Added chart.js library (tag plugin)
- Adapted to Algolia Search 5.0
- Rounded corners for search pagination buttons
- Display numerical sorting in local search results list
- Chapter navigation and related recommendations support hover to show article introduction
- Removed Daovoice
- Added background blur effect to the navigation bar
- Added rounded corners to the navigation bar hover effect
- Fixed the issue where Busuanzi statistics were not displayed when the comment system was not enabled
- Fixed the issue where background gradient color was not effective
- Optional tags for "Shuoshuo"
- Code simplification and optimization
- Moved to "Shuoshuo" date to display the full date and time
- Changed the "Shuoshuo" time tag to a time element
- Delayed calling the abcjs function to resolve rendering issues
- Adjusted the font size of article categories in the sidebar
由於整合了多個設定並更改了部分設定名稱,升級到 5.0 版本時,請重新設定 _config.yml
- 新增 macstyle 設定,取消 mac / mac light 主題設定
- 整合搜尋相關設定
- 修改程式碼區塊設定
- 主頁文章新增多種版面配置
- 新增說說頁面
- 適配 hexo-blog-encrypt 加密外掛
- 改善手機端目錄的開啟效果
- 新增平滑滾動功能
- 支援以程式碼區塊方式撰寫 mermaid 圖表
- 可自訂文章標題位置
- 新增程式碼全螢幕按鈕
- 友情連結頭像改為圓角設計
- 優化程式碼,使用 hexo-util 的參數和 hexo 內建參數
- 可自訂搜尋框提示文字
- 未設定選單時,不顯示側邊欄目錄和按鈕
- 螢幕寬度超過 2000px 時,增加卡片高度
- 根據語言設定調整字型:簡體中文使用雅黑,其他使用正黑體
- 更新 plugins.yml
- 全新的側邊欄介面設計
- 新增 giscus 的 js 設定
- 調整 utterances js 的設定位置
- 新增 utterances option 設定
- 修改 giscus 的主題設定
- 多個介面元素改為圓角設計
- 可選擇圓角或直角介面風格
- 相簿載入按鈕新增圖示
- 改善標籤頁面的滑鼠懸停效果
- 調整側邊欄的滑鼠懸停效果
- 微調部分介面元素
- 背景圖片配置不再需要新增 url()
- 移除 messenger 聊天外掛
- 更新 fackbook 版本號
- 增加 香港繁體、日文和韓語
- 使用的新的複製api 代替舊的
- 增加 umami 分析
- 增加 umami 獲取訪問量/訪客數
- snackbar 增加透明度
- 文章頁下, nav fixed 下 顯示文章標題
- 修復 Hexo 新版本下 Prism.js 無法正確高亮的問題
- 修復文章標籤為空時可能出現的錯誤
- 修正 mermaid 圖表可能出現的錯誤
- 解決未設定選單時控制檯報錯的問題
- 修復 Algolia 搜尋的每頁顯示數量設定無效的問題
- 解決 Algolia 搜尋結果出現滾動條的問題
- 修正滾動條出現上下按鈕的問題
- 修復相簿遠端連結未加字首的問題
- 修正 label 標籤外掛右側多餘空格的問題
- 解決 APlayer 報告記憶體洩漏的問題
- lazyload 為 false 時,artalk 無法正常載入評論的 bug
- 修復 gallery 出現抖動的 bug
- 優化 PJAX 下的函數呼叫
- 整體程式碼優化
- 提升相容性
- 改善 Lighthouse 評分
- 在 PJAX 關閉時減少不必要的全局變數
- 優化 Waline 的 import 相容性
- 改善頁面進入效果
- 優化程式碼區塊工具列顯示邏輯
- 改善不同螢幕寬度下文章標題位置的顯示
- 優化標籤顏色生成演算法,避免過暗或過亮
- 調整 Artalk 和 Waline 在夜間模式下的字型顏色,與主題保持一致
- 調整 Algolia 搜尋載入動畫位置,避免換行
- 優化 Algolia 搜尋結果為空時的處理
- 改善系列文章的滑鼠懸停效果
- 優化 404 頁面程式碼
- 解決搜尋和側邊欄開啟時視窗抖動的問題
- 優化 tabs 標籤外掛的程式碼和效能
- 改善 tabs 中使用 gallery 標籤外掛時的圖片載入邏輯
- 優化目錄滾動效果,使當前標題保持在中間
- 調整螢幕寬度超過 1024px 時 gallerygroup 的顯示數量
- 優化 背景url 的判斷
- 修改部分用語
- timeline tag 樣式優化
- 優化 seo
- 優化 artalk 的最新評論
Breaking Changes
Due to the integration and renaming of several settings, please reconfigure the _config.yml
file when upgrading to version 5.0.
- Added
setting, removedmac
/mac light
theme setting - Integrated search-related settings
- Modified code block settings
- Added various layout options for homepage posts
- Introduced a "Shuoshuo" page
- Compatible with
plugin - Improved mobile menu opening effect
- Added smooth scrolling feature
- Support for writing mermaid diagrams in code blocks
- Customizable article title position
- Added full-screen button for code
- Rounded design for friend link avatars
- Optimized code using
and built-in parameters - Customizable search box placeholder text
- Sidebar menu and button hidden if no menu is set
- Increased card height for screens wider than 2000px
- Font adjustment: Simplified Chinese uses YaHei, others use Heiti
- Updated
- New sidebar interface design
- Added JS settings for Giscus
- Adjusted position of Utterances JS settings
- Added Utterances option settings
- Modified Giscus theme settings
- Multiple interface elements now have rounded designs
- Option to choose between rounded or square interface styles
- Added icons to album load buttons
- Enhanced hover effect on tag pages
- Adjusted sidebar hover effect
- Minor interface element tweaks
- Background image configuration no longer requires
- Removed Messenger chat plugin
- Updated Facebook version number
- Added support for Hong Kong Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
- New copy API replaces the old one
- Added Umami analytics
- Umami now tracks visits/visitor count
- Increased transparency for Snackbar
- Article title shown under nav when fixed on article pages
- Fixed Prism.js highlighting issue with new Hexo version
- Fixed potential error when article tags are empty
- Corrected errors in mermaid diagrams
- Resolved console errors when menu is not set
- Fixed Algolia search results per page setting issue
- Resolved scrollbar issue in Algolia search results
- Corrected appearance of up/down buttons in scrollbars
- Fixed missing prefix in album remote links
- Corrected extra space in label tag plugin
- Resolved memory leak report in APlayer
- Fixed Artalk comment loading bug when lazyload is false
- Fixed gallery shaking bug
- Optimized function calls under PJAX
- Overall code optimization
- Improved compatibility
- Enhanced Lighthouse scores
- Reduced unnecessary global variables when PJAX is off
- Optimized Waline import compatibility
- Improved page entry effects
- Optimized code block toolbar display logic
- Improved display of article title position on different screen widths
- Optimized tag color generation algorithm to avoid too dark or light colors
- Adjusted font color for Artalk and Waline in night mode to match the theme
- Adjusted Algolia search loading animation position to avoid line breaks
- Optimized handling when Algolia search results are empty
- Improved hover effect for series articles
- Optimized 404 page code
- Resolved window shaking issue when search and sidebar are opened
- Optimized code and performance of tabs tag plugin
- Improved image loading logic in gallery tag plugin within tabs
- Enhanced scrolling effect in the directory to keep the current title centered
- Adjusted gallery group display number for screens wider than 1024px
- Optimized background URL judgment
- Modified some terminology
- Optimized timeline tag style
- Improved SEO
- Enhanced latest comments in Artalk
Full Changelog: 4.13...5.0.0
- 適配 waline v3
- 適配 artalk 新版
- 修復文章頁面,twikoo 無法獲取評論數的 bug
- 首頁多個標籤和分類時,每個都增加標識
- 文章頁標題改為左邊
- Adapted to waline v3.
- Adapted to the new version of artalk.
- Fixed a bug where twikoo couldn't retrieve the comment count on the article page.
- Added identifiers to each tag and category on the homepage when there are multiple.
- Changed the position of the article page title to the left.
- 適配 Artalk 新版本
- card_post_series 可配置標題顯示為系列的名字
- cdn 的 version 默認為 true
- 當 front-matter 的 toc_number 沒有值時,toc_number 沒有按照主題配置應用的 bug
- Github 最新評論獲取報錯的 bug
- 標題點擊範圍縮小為字體本身
- Waline 增加 destroy 調用
- Adaptation to the new version of Artalk
- The title of card_post_series can be configured to display as the series name
- The default value of the version in cdn is set to true
- Fixed a bug where toc_number did not apply according to the theme configuration when the toc_number in front-matter has no value
- Fixed a bug where an error occurred when fetching the latest comments from Github
- The clickable range of the title has been reduced to the font itself
- Added a destroy call to Waline
- 適配 hexo 7.0.0
- 當瀏覽器不支持代碼複製時,提示不顯示的 bug
- 設置 click_to_scroll 後, 點擊標題中的鏈接無法正確跳轉的 bug
- 切換評論時,控制枱報 loadOtherComment 沒有定義的 bug
- sidebar ui 微調
- 避免因為沒有更新配置而報錯的問題
- 更新插件版本
- Adapted to hexo 7.0.0
- Fixed a bug where the prompt for unsupported code copying was not displayed
- Fixed a bug where clicking on links in the title did not navigate correctly when click_to_scroll was enabled
- Fixed a bug where the console reported an undefined loadOtherComment when switching comments
- Fine-tuned the sidebar UI
- Avoided error messages due to missing configuration updates
- Updated plugin versions
更改 rightside-bottom 為 rightside_bottom
- rightside-bottom: + rightside_bottom:
重構 gallery 標籤外掛
更改依賴, 由 nk-o/flickr-justified-gallery 改為 egjs-infinitegrid
CDN: option: - # flickr_justified_gallery_js: - # flickr_justified_gallery_css: + # egjs_infinitegrid:
-ClickShowText: +clickShowText: enable: false text: - I - LOVEeeeeeeeeeeeee - YOU fontSize: 15px random: true mobile: false CDN: option: - ClickShowText: + clickShowText:
reward: enable: false + text: QR_code:
aside: + card_post_series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date + order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
增加 series 系列文章標籤外掛
+series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date + order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending + number: true
移除 addthis 分享
-addThis: - enable: false - pubid:
getScript 增加 attribute 配置
+# Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效) +text_align_justify: true
preconnect 根據 CDN 配置引入
移除 anchor 的 button, 直接點擊標題跳轉
anchor: - button: - enable: false - always_show: false - icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423' auto_update: false # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id. + # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor + click_to_scroll: false
更改 headline 的 hover 效果
- 修復網站為子目錄時,pjax 跳轉 404 錯誤
- 修復夜間模式下,小屏幕的 toc 滾動條顏色不明顯的 bug
- 修復設置字體超過 17px 時,toc 裏面的邊框異常的 bug
- 修復 float 浮動佈局導致評論寬度異常的 bug
- 修復當設置搜索文件為xml時,搜索 < 和 > 沒有結果的 bug
- 修復主頁滾動, 頂部圖特效有延遲的 bug
- 修復圖片附屬文字在 note 標籤外掛裏的位置與圖片重疊的 bug
- 首頁社交圖標左右邊距調整
- 代碼優化
- tabs 標籤外掛的回到頂部箭頭位置調整
- 更新 plugin.yml
- 重構 main.js 代碼
- 優化 pjax 下的性能
- 優化手機端 toc 打開和關閉特效
- 文章進入特效改為 transform, 優化 stylus
- 目錄側邊欄出現滾動條時,元素不會被擠壓
- 處理 waline 的 url 後面多 / 導致跨域的問題
- 優化語言文件部分用詞
- disqus 和 disqusjs 的評論數獲取不到時,顯示為 0
- disqusjs 的評論數改為 api 獲取
- tabs content 裏最後一個元素 margin-bottom 改為 0
- 移除 noscript
Breaking Changes
.- rightside-bottom: + rightside_bottom:
Refactored the
tag plugin.-
Changed the implementation.
Images are now loaded only when they are scrolled into view.
Changed the dependency from
.CDN: option: - # flickr_justified_gallery_js: - # flickr_justified_gallery_css: + # egjs_infinitegrid:
-ClickShowText: +clickShowText: enable: false text: - I - LOVEeeeeeeeeeeeee - YOU fontSize: 15px random: true mobile: false CDN: option: - ClickShowText: + clickShowText:
Changed the position of the sticky icon to the left of the title.
Added the ability to customize the text of the reward button.
reward: enable: false + text: QR_code:
Added support for displaying series posts in the right panel.
aside: + card_post_series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date + order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
Added support for displaying series posts using the series tag plugin.
+series: + enable: true + orderBy: 'title' # Order by title or date + order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending + number: true
Removed the addthis sharing plugin.
-addThis: - enable: false - pubid:
Added an icon before the text in the copyright section.
Added the ability to configure attributes for getScript.
Added support for left and right alignment of article text.
+# Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width(文字向兩側對齊,對最後一行無效) +text_align_justify: true
Added support for preconnecting to the CDN based on configuration.
Removed the button for anchors and made the title clickable to jump to the anchor.
anchor: - button: - enable: false - always_show: false - icon: # the unicode value of Font Awesome icon, such as '\3423' auto_update: false # when you scroll in post, the URL will update according to header id. + # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor + click_to_scroll: false
Changed the hover effect of headlines.
- Fixed a bug where pjax would return a 404 error when the website was in a subdirectory.
- Fixed a bug where the scrollbar color was not clear on small screens in dark mode.
- Fixed a bug where the border in the TOC was abnormal when the font size was greater than 17px.
- Fixed a bug where the width of comments was abnormal in float layout.
- Fixed a bug where searching for < and > did not return results when the search file was XML.
- Fixed a bug where the top image effect on the homepage was delayed during scrolling.
- Fixed a bug where the caption of an image overlapped with the image in the note tag plugin.
- Adjusted the left and right margins of social icons on the homepage.
- Optimized the code.
- Adjusted the position of the "back to top" arrow in the tabs tag plugin.
- Updated plugin.yml.
- efactored the code in main.js.
- Optimized performance under pjax.
- Optimized the opening and closing effects of the TOC on mobile devices.
- Changed the article entry effect to use transform and optimized the stylus.
- Prevented elements from being squeezed when the sidebar has a scrollbar.
- Fixed a cross-domain issue caused by extra slashes in the URL for Waline.
- Improved the wording in some language files.
- Displayed "0" when the comment count could not be obtained for Disqus and Disqusjs.
- Changed the method of obtaining the comment count for Disqusjs to use the API.
- Removed the bottom margin of the last element in the tabs content.
- Removed the noscript tag.