HackZurich 2021 - Migros Challenge
An animated app to gamify the user's shopping habbit. We are calculating userCumulative point and user average rating. Based on these data, a plant is nurtured which will then grow into a tree. We wanted to implement that if the user rating falls below 3, plant will start turning yellow. To make the farm more attractive, maybe we integrate google weather data.
During launch we randomly show climate change statistics
We have a lot of ideas apart from our prototype how to make it more user centric and involve them a lot while doing something sustainable for the society.
Framework7 Spring Boot MongoDB
The Application is built as a PWA with modern Webtechnologies. The Framework we use is called Framework7, which has over 16000 Stars on Github. Paired with our Backend on the lastest Spring Boot Release to create the API's we can deliver a stable product. To store our calculated Data we use mongoDB.
This repo contains the frontend side code. For backend please click on this link.
In a releasing phase later on the open source native runtime Capacitor will be used for building the corresponding native applications.
We never worked as a team together before HackZurich 2021. Few Products from Sales Data is not present in the Product Data. So we needed some clarification from the Migros Team. We also needed Migros Team for clarifications about dependencies between the rating and the carbon emission data. From the 2 Frontend developers one did not know Framework7, so lot of reading the documentation and experimenting. Slow Internet connection on site ;-)
We had quite a lot of Ideas to make the App impactful and in the end we can deliver a working Prototype.
- We can work with less sleep than the WHO recommends.
- It is not nessesary to know each other before the Hack, you can perform quite fast.
We have a lot of ideas apart from our prototype how to make it more user centric and involve them a lot while doing something sustainable for the society.
- Discounts of 3 percent on every sustainable product for users rated above or equal to 4 star.
- Discount of 1 percent on every product for users rated above or equal to 3 star.
- Involve friends and family to maintain a garden with sustainable point.
- Manage point to build hybrid farm with birds, animals and plants.
- For every bird, you adopt, maybe Migros with some organization will tie up to free a bird from cage. Getting a bird will stop you from getting 3 consecutive discounts. 6.For every pet you bring, Migros will donate towards animal welfare. You giveaway 5 discounts.
- For every plant you plant, Migros plant one plant somewhere and you giveaway 1 discount.
- Calculation of generous rating.