Research Objective
The current Jupyter Notebook extract the basic PV parameters from the J-V curve of µSMU device: Voc, Jsc, FF, Rs, Rp.
Note: The conversión efficiency is not calculated at this moment. If the insidence irradiance its know you can calculate using the following equation: Efficiency = (Voc Jsc FF)/(Irradiance [W/m2])
Fig.1 µSMU device and a silicon (Si) solar cell Fig.2 Curve JV from µSMU and plotted in JupyterNotebook
The basic PV parameters were obteined with the following Jupyter Notebook: light_jv_parameters.ipynb
Parameter | Approximated | statsmodels.api |
Voc [V] | 2.0999 | 2.0794 |
Jsc [mA/cm2] | -0.5867 | -0.5863 |
FF | 0.6888 | 0.696 |
efficiency | - | - |
- | - | |
Rs [ohm cm2] | - | - |
Rp [ohm cm2] | - | - |
If this code helps you to extract the PV-parameters of JV curves. Please consider buying a cup of coffee to keep coding.