Jean-François Monteil [email protected]
InfluxDB is a Database specialized in time series, used massively for IoT projects (
The package contains 2 steps :
- InfluxDB Input : Reads specified fields from a query on InfluxDB
- Execute InfluxQL : Executes an InfluxQL query and retrunrs the result as JSON
a number of sample transformations are included in the sample directory.
In delivery rep you will find a zip that you can unzip in your pentaho/design-tools/data-integration/plugin folder.
Otherwise : mvn install
The step is fully Metadata Injection compatible
Select InfluxDB connection, create a new one New Button, or edit one Edit Button
Browse button lets you see available databases
InfluxDBQL query (on Measurement tables or continuous Query)
Field name : Name fo the InfluxDB field, tag or value First field should be time
InfluxDB name : InfluxDB type : Tag or field
Retrun type : Pentaho return type
Format : Be careful avout timestam, "time" format : Defaul should be : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
Get Output Fields button lets you guess fields and retrun types from query.
Executes an InfluxQL query and retrunrs the result as JSON
Select InfluxDB connection, create a new one New Button, or edit one Edit Button
Browse button lets you see available databases
InfluxDBQL query that can be any query not just select : examples here : Works alo to create databases. Does not work for inserting rows though. Output is a single text field with JSON format.