A lightweight WeChat mall
name | |
Pengfei Pei | [email protected] |
Xingkang Wang | [email protected] |
- 实现OAuth2.0认证协议
- request-key控制访问次数。
- 实现需求所有模块的功能,数据模拟
- 实现HTTP服务查询的缓存这里先不实现,透传。实现考虑nosql
- 消息队列堆积。
- 复杂逻辑
- 实现数据持久化和更新。
- 为 ==service== 层提供接口,松耦合。
- 实现服务依赖的其它API服务。如:支付、短信。
- 实现跟业务无关的其它RPC服务。
- 实现服务共用的工具模块,业务无关。如:json、cache工具、日志工具等
- development environment
- technology stack
- Jersey 2 or RESTful
- Spring 4 & Mybatis
- RPC such as :netty/protobuf/bytes to Object
- Message Quene : rocketMQ or kafka
- MySql or MongoDB
- font-end vue html5 & nodejs
- data science
- streaming program like Apache Flink/Spark/Storm or kafka streaming
- machine learning or Data analysis
- TensorFlow or Caffe
- python etc.
- 1. 结构化数据用MySQL,详细信息用Mongodb做为cache。
- 例如:用户基本信息用mysql,用户的详细信息用mongodb存储,通过用户唯一ID作为桥梁;
- 订单信息、待收货、购物车都是用mongodb做存储。MySQL存储精简重要的结构化数据以及事务相关的结构。
- 2. 前后端分离:nodejs+mongo主要作为前端查询API,为前端提供接口。
- 计算、更新等复杂逻辑由java来完成。
- 3. 拓展性考虑:每此请求都应该有唯一的request-id,用于追踪。
- 如果请求过载,使用消息队列,如:订单等信息,可以根据唯一的request-id,异步回查处理状态(比如:sleep 50ms 用request-id回查处理状态)。
- request-id应该由不同的业务逻辑区分并唯一。
- 根据request-id记录日志,记录请求耗时、时间(戳)。
- 4. 图片服务器:大量的小图片会占用系统句柄,所以一个分布式、容灾、高可用的RESTful图片服务器十分必要。
- 练手使用:seaweedfs,golang实现,效果不错。
MySQL with structured data, detailed information with Mongodb cache. For example: user basic information using mysql, the user's detailed information stored in mongodb, through the user's unique ID as a bridge; order information, waiting for goods, shopping carts are stored using mongodb. Structured data and important matters related to MySQL storage structure.
Before and after the end of separation: nodejs+mongo as a front-end query API, provides the interface for the front end. Calculate and update the complex logic to complete by java.
Expand this request should be considered: each has a unique request-id for tracking. If the request is overloaded, using the message queue, such as orders and other information, you can asynchronously retrieve the state of processing according to the unique request-id (e.g.: sleep 50ms then with request-id to check the state). Request-id should be different from the business logic and the only.
- eg1:export as a war file, deploy for tomcat webapp
- eg2:run as run on server by tomcat that version than tomcat6
- then hello world : http://localhost:8080/wechatMall/admin/index
- org.jiumao.wechatMall.admin.resource.IndexResource