A Package for Modeling Geophysical Processes
Author: John Adams and Paul Swarztrauber
SPHEREPACK 3.2 is written in Fortran 77 and 90 but it may not fully comply with either Fortran standard. We have not run the code through a rigorous standards checker, other than the various compilers we have used in testing the code. Users whose applications require strict adherence to the standard must provide this assurance themselves.
Documentation for this software package is provided in file SPHEREPACK3.2.html and companion image file SPHERE.gif. We intend the document for browsing on your local computer.
None. This library is regarded as legacy.
Our Makefile requires the following: a Unix or Linux or Mac operating system, gmake, and a Fortran 90 compiler. If successful, this Makefile builds a static library libspherepack.a and several binary executables.
Examine file make.inc to see if your OS and compiler are represented. If they are not, you should modify file make.inc and the Makefile in each directory (main, src and test) so that they are represented.
If you desire double precision floating-point arithmetic, you should modify Makefile and make.inc with compiler options for promoting single to double precision. Your compiler's user guide will have information on the required compiler options.