transforms multiple call stacks into a diagram. It can be used to help understand, document or debug a codebase.
- Paste one or more call stacks into input fields (only Java call stacks are supported for now).
- Optionally, add a
in front of each stack frame that is interesting to you. This will mask all the other frames from the graph. That can be useful if you want to declutter the diagram. - By default, the diagram will only show the package graph, i.e. all the packages that exist in the call stacks.
Display class diagram
will display each class in the call stack, grouped by package.Show method calls
will add the method names to each edge. The method names are clickable and will link to the method definition in Github. For this to work, you have to provide a base URL in the "Base URL" field (e.g.
) as well as a file extension.
Paste each stack into a different stack input.
Stack 1
readValue:96, ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind)
> execute:54, HttpClient (org.apache.http.impl.client)
doExecute:123, HttpRequestExecutor (org.apache.http.protocol)
handle:75, RequestHandler (javax.servlet.http)
doGet:56, Servlet (javax.servlet)
> get:25, PipelineResource (
Stack 2
> initialize:102, ApplicationContext (org.springframework.context)
createBean:84, BeanFactory (org.springframework.beans.factory)
> execute:45, RestTemplate (org.springframework.web.client)
performRequest:122, OkHttpClient (okhttp3)
call:67, Callable (java.util.concurrent)
> process:50, HttpRequestHandler (
close:25, FileInputStream (
> handle:60, RestController (org.springframework.annotation)
Stack 3
execute:89, ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent)
run:112, FutureTask (java.util.concurrent)
> doPost:45, HttpServlet (javax.servlet.http)
service:90, Servlet (javax.servlet)
handleRequest:210, SpringDispatcher (org.springframework.web)
> handle:60, RestController (org.springframework.annotation)
read:52, InputStreamReader (
Install VS Code
Install the Calva plugin (for REPL, formatting, linting, doc, evaluating Clojure expressions directly in the IDE...)
Install leiningen:
brew install leiningen
Install dependencies:
npm install
lein test
Start the local server
npx shadow-cljs watch app
Then open http://localhost:3000/ in the browser
npx tailwindcss -i ./src/css/tailwind.css -o ./public/css/output.css --watch