Extended scripts and data from Zicola et al., 2019
line: 0T=WT, ft.10=ft-10, 2.15=#15-2, 3.15=#15-3, 4.27=#27-4
generation: NA (not relevant), T3, T4, T5, T6
rosette: number of rosette leaves at bolting
cauline: number of cauline leaves
Data in figure_1c_data.txt
Script in figure_1c.R
line: 0T=WT, ft-10=ft-10, 2-15-12-T5=#15-2 generation T5,
1-10=Col-in IR #10, 2-14=Block B IR #14, 2-30= Block B IR #30
rosette: number of rosette leaves at bolting
Data in figure_3d_data.txt
Script in figure_3d.R
line: 0T=WT, ft-10=ft-10, C-15=#15-2, E-16= Block E #16, E-18= Block E #18, E-27= Block E #27, E-29= Block E #29
rosette: number of rosette leaves at bolting
cauline: number of cauline leaves
Data in figure_3e_data.txt
Script in figure_3e.R
Code lines: 0T=WT, ft-10=ft-10, Block_C_15= Block C #15-2, Block_C_27= Block C #27-4, Block_E_16=Block E #16-5, Block_E_18=Block E #18-5
construct: cross of the construct, whatever the line used
parent: cross performed without considering the direction of the cross
cross: cross performed considering the direction of the cross (mother x father)
rosette: number of rosette leaves at bolting
cauline: number of cauline leaves
Data in figure_3g_data.txt
Script in figure_3g.R
line: 0T=WT, ft.10=ft-10, 2.15=#15-2, 3.15=#15-3, 4.27=#27-4
generation: NA (not relevant), T3, T4, T5, T6
condition: growth conditions, greenhouse or growth chamber (cabinet, percival)
Data in extended_figure_1_data.txt
Script in extended_figure_1.R
line: 0T=WT, ft-10=ft-10, 1-2=#1-2, 21-4=#21-4, 45-1=#45-1, 47-10=#47-10, 27-4=#27-4
pheno_T1: flowering phenotype of the transgenic lines in T1 generation (either late or WT)
rosette: number of rosette leaves at bolting
Data in extended_figure_9b_data.txt
Script in extended_figure_9b.R
line: 0T=WT, 2.15=#15-2, 3.15=#15-3, 3.27=#27-3, 4.27=#27-4
Ratio: FT expression was normalized to the expression of PP2A and the WT value was set to one. Ratio indicates the level of FT expression compared to WT.
Data in figure_1e_data.txt
Script in figure_1e.R
line: 0T=WT, ft-10: ft-10, 15-2-2=#15-2, 16-4= Block E IR #16, 18-4= Block E IR #18, 27-1= Block E IR #27, 29-11= Block E IR #29
rep: biological replicates
ratio: FT expression was normalized to the expression of PP2A and the WT value was set to one. The value indicates the level of FT expression compared to WT.
Data in figure_3f_data.txt
Script in figure_3f.R
line: 0T=WT, 2.15=#15-2, 3.15=#15-3, 4.27=#27-4
trans: transgenic (T) or non-transgenic (NT)
rep: biological replicates
value: represents the % of input at Block C was normalized to the % of input at the transposable element (cl2-ta22), which is used as H3K9me2-rich region control.
Data in figure_2e_data.txt
Script in figure_2e.R
Script in smRNA-seq_analysis.md
Data in figure_4b_data.txt
Script in figure_4b.R