The C-ESM-EP consists of a set of predefined – community validated (IPSL-CNRM-CERFACS) set of evaluation diagnostics by component/thematic that can be run typically on a set of climate model simulations during the development phase of an ESM. It provides an efficient way to systematically compare results of different simulations while benefiting from the mechanisms of Atlas Explorer to finess the analysis (choosing the periods for a set of diagnostics, controlling the plot parameters…). The result is a front html page with links to the html pages of the atlases of the different components/thematics.
Atlas Explorer is an easy and flexible way to produce an html page showing climatologies and difference maps (with a reference) on a set of datasets (simulations, models, different periods…). The main goal of the Atlas Explorer is to provide the user with a set of predefined features to assess a variable (plotting parameters, default observational reference) while keeping a lot of control on the diagnostics from only one parameter file.
The C-ESM-EP works on Spirit, Jean-Zay and Irene at IPSL, and at CNRM.
Its documentation lies on its GitHub repository Wiki