go-graphite-client - Simple Golang Graphite client which allows sending batches of metrics in single connection.
The optimal use of the library is to collect set of metrics for current minute in single map[string]float64
and after that pass it to Client.SendData()
method creates a new connection to Graphite server every time it's called
and pushes all metric trough it.
Example usage (taken from example_text.go
package main
import (
graphite "github.com/jtaczanowski/go-graphite-client"
func Example() {
graphiteClient := graphite.NewClient("localhost", 2003, "metrics.prefix", "tcp")
// metrics map
metricsMap := map[string]float64{
"test_metric": 1234.1234,
"test_metric2": 12345.12345,
// append metrics from function which returns map[string]float64 as well
for k, v := range metricsGenerator() {
metricsMap[k] = v
// graphiteClient.SendData(data map[string]float64) error - this method expects a map of metrics as an argument
if err := graphiteClient.SendData(metricsMap); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error sending metrics: %v", err)
func metricsGenerator() map[string]float64 {
return map[string]float64{
"test_metric4": 3.14159265359,