Clothings Seller
Clothesstore LATAM is Located in Colombia. This company works for selling each fashion clothes or clothing accessories through internet. For that reason is created this project. Clothesstore help us to buy easy and effectively.
must have
- Node.js
- Angular 11
- OpenJDK-11
- maven
Project has two parts fronted and backend APP This is how to run frontend part.
Due to this is a monorepo you must go to app folder and RUN the comman ng serve then angular will run immediately also you can use the custom command npm run cloth
you must run the command into api folder: mvn spring-boot:run
to run spring boot project is needed a configuration of this environment variables
"CL_ENV": "variable that define which properties is actived",
"CL_DB_PLATFORM": "dialect thath hibernate will be use", example: org.hibernate.dialect.ostgreSQLDialect
"CL_DB_PASSWORD": "data base password",
"CL_DB_USER": "data base user",
"CL_DB_URL": "data base url " example: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/seller,
"CL_DB_DRIVER": "data base driver" example org.postgresql.Driver
also the first time that the project is run must execute with the argument populate this will be initialize de country table on data base with de principal country and its maximun discount
We have an active service desk that allow people write a ticket message
Written emails are going to be checking and they will be an issue if we agree it is an issue
Juan Stiven Muñoz Garcia
If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers.
Duo to this project is a monorepo, it has a workspace. Workspace contains vs code extentions that could help you to develop and start api and app parts.
remember dad you can add launch.json to define the arguments in the run operation and de environment variables in the .vscode folder
in root folder was added two files. those files are .json and .yml types createdd with and there you can import one of them and you are able to observe each detail of this API.
also you can test our API in this url documentation
remember API has context api and also this version is v1 so urls will be able on
the site web for test this web project is release