Very much WIP. Many things here are incomplete and subject to change.
Dialogue editor for the VineScript language. Forked from the excellent Yarn Editor. Both are heavily inspired by and based on the amazing Twine software:
- more explanations
- examples
- update the screenshots
Win64: Soon
MacOS: Soon
Node connections work similar to Twine.
This software needs to be installed:
node >= 10.4.1
The lowest version of Node that would probably work (but is untested) is v8.9.3.
npm install
Good for development and testing.
npm start
You can build the app unpacked, it produces an executable for your current platform:
npm run build
Alternatively you can build an installer for it:
npm run dist
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Alec Holowka - Yarn creator - @InfiniteAmmoDev
- Noel Berry - Yarn co-creator - @NoelFB
- All Yarn contributors - Contributors list
- Twine creators - Twine Software