This repo isn't nearly as fancy as most. It's mostly just a personal backup and very much a work in progress. Take what you want, but use at your own risk
- Most of the dotfiles assume a macOS environment
- Assumes using oh-my-zsh
- Clone the repo to a local directory, e.g. ~/code/personal/oss/dotfiles
- Setup ZSH
- ln -s ~/code/personal/oss/dotfiles/zsh/general.zsh ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/general.zsh
- ln -s ~/code/personal/oss/dotfiles/zsh/macOs.zsh ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/macOs.zsh
- ln -s ~/code/personal/oss/dotfiles/vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
- ln -s ~/code/personal/oss/dotfiles/git/.gitignore_global ~/.gitignore_global
- ln -s ~/code/personal/oss/dotfiles/git/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig
- Create ~/.gitconfig-personal-oss
- Use git/.gitconfig-personal-oss as an example
- Create ~/.gitconfig-custom
- This file can specify a default user, per-directory config, etc. for the local machine/dev environment
- brew/taps/cask/install
- oh-my-zsh
- node/nvm
- osx defaults