Drawing BigData Charts
The aim of this library is to provide connectors to big data tools (Spark, Hive, etc) to easily render large scatters, lines, surfaces in 2d or 3d charts relying on OpenGL rendering.
Jzy3d, based on JOGL, enables Java applications to use OpenGL to make best usage of computer's GPU capabilities (speed, memory).
See demos in package org.jzy3d.demos
Generate 5.000.000 points, setup a colormap, and build a VBO (GPU in-memory) scatter plots rendering smoothly in an AWT window.
Vertex Buffer Objects (VBOs) allow to store the geometry once in GPU when the program starts and then trigger rendering on demand (viewpoint change, frame repaint, etc) without huge exchange of data between CPU and GPU (as occurs with standard drawable objects).
public class DemoScatterVBO {
public static int MILION = 1000000;
public static float ratio = 5f;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int size = (int) (ratio * MILION);
List<Coord3d> coords = ScatterGenerator.getScatter(size);
ColorMapper coloring = ScatterGenerator.coloring(coords);
ScatterVBO scatter = new ScatterVBO(new ListCoord3dVBOLoader(coords, coloring));
public static Chart chart(ScatterVBO scatter) {
Chart chart = AWTChartComponentFactory.chart(Quality.Intermediate, "awt");
chart.open("VBO Scatter demo", 1000, 1000);
return chart;
public static void layout2d(Chart chart) {
View view = chart.getView();
IAxeLayout axe = chart.getAxeLayout();
Create a Spark JavaRDD
containing Coord3d
given by a CSV file, and show a 2D scatter plot with a uniform color in a JavaFX application.
Note : This application makes use of a simple 2D scatter plot implementation not using VBO (see 5 milions points scatter plot).
public class DemoSparkCsvFileJavaFXChart extends Application{
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
stage.setTitle("Spark | Jzy3d | JavaFX");
new SparkRDDChartBuilderJavaFX(){
public void loadDataAndBuildScene() {
JavaRDD<Coord3d> coordinates = SparkChartIO.csv3d("data/random/random-4000.csv");
}.onStart(stage); // run actual data loading and chart generation
Create an AWT application scanning and drawing an HBase table.
- Each row is represented is assigned a X value.
- Each column of a row is represented by a colored point along the Y axis. The same unique color is assigned to all row columns having the same name. Points are stacked to build an histogram of the number of column, but each column could have a unique Y value rather than a color. Color could thus be free to represent another information (e.g. number of versions for the value)
- Each column value of a row is represented by the Z value of the point
- VBO allow to store the geometry once in GPU and then to trigger rendering on demand (viewpoint change, frame repaint, etc)
public class DemoHBaseTableScanPlotAWT {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// read from HBase table
HBaseIO hbase = new HBaseIO();
List<List<KeyVal<String, Float>>> rows = hbase.scanRows(DemoHBaseTableGenerate.TABLE);
// draw data
DrawableVBO drawable2 = new DrawableVBO(new VBOBuilderTableColumnsScatter3d(rows));
BigPicture.chart(drawable2, BigPicture.Type.ddd).black();
Generates an HTML report with multiple PNG image showing values of each column.
public class DemoTableAnalysis {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Generate table data
GeneratorKeyValue generator = new GeneratorKeyValue();
List<List<KeyVal<String, Float>>> table = generator.generate();
// Provide a table scan scheduler to a table analysis
// generating chart with table data
DefaultTableScanScheduler scheduler = new DefaultTableScanScheduler(table);
TableAnalysis analysis = new TableAnalysis(scheduler);
analysis.report(new File("data/screenshots/tableanalysis/"));
git clone [email protected]:jzy3d/bigpicture.git
cd bigpicture
mvn install
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