Goya is a style/theme manager for Flutter apps.
Goya reads your style traits from a YAML file named goya.yaml
. Either pre-define this file wherever you want or fetch it over a network request.
Setting up Goya
You need to use GoyaProvider
as the root widget of your application. Simply set the path to your goya.yaml
(you might fetch it over a network request then save to a file) and you are good to go.
GoyaProvider(path: "assets/goya.yaml", child: MyHomePage(title: 'Goya Demo')),
Theming using Goya
After setting up, all you need to do is tell Goya which key it will use for a specific widget and it takes care of the rest!
//Keys.text is just a string ".Text" in this example
//Goya reads the predefined variables under the root key ".Text"
//You can define different style traits such as ".TextPrimary", ".TextHeader" etc. in goya.yaml
Text("Goya").goya(key: Keys.text))
Overriding the goya.yaml
If you wish to override some property you can just set it as usual;
//Here we are overriding the TextAlign value to .left even though it is predefined as .center in our goya.yaml
Text("Goya", textAlign: TextAlign.left).goya(key: Keys.text)
If you have a custom widget or a widget that Goya doesn't support natively you can easily implement necessary styling functions.
First, create a class that extends to StyleIdentifier
and name your custom property.
class CustomStyleIdentifier extends StyleIdentifier {
static const String customProperty = ".customProperty";
Then we need to create another class which extends GoyaBuilderStrategy<YOUR_CUSTOM_WIDGET>
class CustomWidgetGoyaBuilder extends GoyaBuilderStrategy<CustomWidget> {
Widget build(CustomWidget originalWidget, {ThemeSymbol using}) {
Color color = Color(
finder(using.identifier, CustomStyleIdentifier.customProperty));
CustomWidget goyaContainer = CustomWidget(color: color);
return originalWidget.toGoya(goyaContainer).preparePaint(using);
Lastly, create an extension method for your custom widget.
extension CustomWidgetExtension on CustomWidget {
CustomWidget toGoya(CustomWidget goyaWidget) {
return CustomWidget(color: color ?? goyaWidget.color);
Example goya.yaml
#pre-define the colors
- &orange
- &blue
.align: center
.color: *blue
.backgroundColor: *orange
.fontSize: 48.0
.fontWeight: 8
.letterSpacing: 0.1
.wordSpacing: 0.2
.fontFamily: Pacifico
.padding: [8.0, 16.0, 8.0, 16.0]
.color: *blue
.customProperty: *orange